DSpace talpykla

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų drausminimo būdai ir galimybės

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dc.contributor.author Sabaliauskienė, Gitana
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-09T08:23:08Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-09T08:23:08Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-14
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2019
dc.description Relevance of the topic. With the chage of human thinking, values, attitude towards the child,some ways to discipline children are being changed to the new ones, therefore the topic of children upbringing in the family cannot be fully examined. The ones who are related to the education of children have to implement some ways to discipline children. By the ways to discipline children grown-ups try to improve their behaviour. The preschool education consists not solely of positive relationship aspects( permissions, praise, encouragements), but also it consists of negative aspects (reprimands, prohibitions, punishments). Justification of the problem. Physical punishments and violence have recently become crucially important in our country. It is necessary to carry out scientific researches on this topic, find out if the attitude towards the implementation of punishments has changed, if the educators and parents are interested in the ways and possibilities to discipline preschool children The paper examines the issue of possibilities and ways to discipline preschool children. Research object – possibilities and ways to discipline preschool children. Rsearch purpose - reveal possibilities and ways to discipline preschool children . Research goals: 1. Support theoretically possibilities and ways to discipline preschool children. 2. Reveal educators and parents‘ attitudes towards the possibilities and ways to discipline preschool children and the implementation of punishments 3. Carry out the educational project at the preschool institution. Research: the analysis of scientific literature and the data, questionnaires, and interviews. The research is controlled. 69 parents from Jurbarkas „X“ school, various preschool groups were randomly selected to take part in the research.The research revealed that families apply various forms to control children‘s unwanted behaviour such as instructrions or the prohibition of favourite toys. The most common positive methods of discipline are the restriction of pleasurable things and privilegies. The educators most often use „the chair of complacency“ and conversations. Children are most often disciplined during the games when they do not fallow agreements and rules Children are punished by different means. Educators are against physical punishments. In camparison of parents‘ questionnares and educators‘ interviews the conclusion can be drawn that physical punishments are more common than parents admit to. Parents tend to tell educators and children themselves talk about it.Corresponding to the research results, the educational project „I and my world“ was implemented. It helped parents and children learn more about their feelings and emotions. en
dc.description.abstract Pastaruoju metu, fizinės bausmės, prievarta, tampa aktuali problema mūsų šalyje. Būtina atlikti kuo daugiau ir tikslesnių mokslinių tyrimų šia tema, išsiaiškinti ar keičiasi požiūris į bausmių taikymą, ar domisi pedagogai ir tėvai apie ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų drausminimo būdus ir galimybes. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad šeimose, siekiant vaikų netinkamo elgesio kontrolės, taikomi įvairūs drausminimo būdai: pamokymai, ir mėgstamų daiktų atėmimas. Populiariausi pozityvieji drausminimo metodai: malonumų ir privilegijų apribojimas. Pedagogai dažniausiai naudojama „nusiraminimo kėdutę“ bei pokalbius. Dažniausiai vaikai drausminami žaidimo metu, kai nesilaiko grupės susitarimų bei taisyklių. Vaikai baudžiami pritaikant įvairias formas. Pedagogai pasisako prieš fizines bausmes. Lyginant tėvų apklausą ir pedagogų interviu galima manyti, kad fizinės bausmės labiau populiarios, nei apklausoje pasisako tėvai. Pedagogams labiau tėvai linkę išsipasakoti, o ir vaikai patys apie tai kalba. Atsižvelgus į tyrimo rezultatus, įgyvendintas edukacinis projektas „Aš ir mano pasaulis“, kuris padėjo vaikams ir tėvams labiau pažinti savo jausmus ir emocijas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject auklėjimas en_US
dc.subject drausmė en_US
dc.subject bausmė en_US
dc.subject ikimokyklinis en_US
dc.subject disciplina en_US
dc.title Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų drausminimo būdai ir galimybės en_US
dc.title.alternative Possibilities and ways to discipline pre-school children en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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