DSpace talpykla

Žaidimo reikšmė ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijai ugdyti/-is

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dc.contributor.author Miciūnaitė, Vaida
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-09T08:08:15Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-09T08:08:15Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-14
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2012
dc.description Moreno and Martín (2007), Children under the age of 3, playing symbolic games to confirm that it would be possible to conduct an investigation to carry out an investigation example. M. Alvestad (2011), discussing game locations in the learning process, did not do that. Identification of the problem: How to use the game fully, comprehensibly, at the level of awareness? The aim of the paper: To determine the significance of the game for the education of preschool children. Objectives of the paper: 1. Theoretically, to clarify the significance of the game in the pre-school education. 2. Find out how games ar used in kindergartens to develop the competence of pre-school children to learn; 3. Based on the research carried out, the educational project of work. Research methods:  Analysis of scientific literature to theoretically reveal the significance of the game to the teaching of pre-school children.  Survey writing, revealing the use of games.  Realize educational project Conclusions: In the quantitative study, it was programmed that educators were aware that it would be normal for them to be able to get their comments on how to gain their opinion. Cavernous research that needs to take into account the latest requirements to take account of previous years. en
dc.description.abstract Ikimokykliniame amžiuje (3-7m ) vaikas beveik visą laiką praleidžia žaisdamas. Net rimtuose darbo uždaviniuose, kuriuos vaikui padeda suaugusieji, jis tuojau randa žaidimo elementų, kurie darbą paįvairina ir daro įdomesnį. Ikimokykliniame amžiuje mokėjimas mokytis suprantamas kaip noras ko nors išmokti ir atkaklus to tikslo siekimas. Tai gebėjimas išsikelti mokymosi ar kitos veiklos tikslus, planuoti, kaip jų bus siekiama, pasirinkti tinkamus veikimo būdus, apmąstyti, kaip sekėsi ir kokie veiklos ar mokymosi rezultatai, kokie tolesni tikslai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Žaidimas en_US
dc.subject ikimokyklinis en_US
dc.subject mokėjimas mokytis en_US
dc.subject kompetencija en_US
dc.title Žaidimo reikšmė ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijai ugdyti/-is en_US
dc.title.alternative The importance of playing for pre-school children's learning to learn competence en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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