DSpace talpykla

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų emocijų suvokimo ir raiškos ugdymas/-is kūrybiniais žaidimais

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dc.contributor.author Liščiukaitytė, Agnė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-09T06:18:26Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-09T06:18:26Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-14
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1992
dc.description Playing activities is an essential practice of preschooler. It helps to highlight the personal qualities of a child. These qualities relate to the acquisition of social skills, prowess, imagination, and the mental flexibility that give the kid the freedom of choice. The child can explore different behaviors while playing and fantasizing. These situations are impossible to explore in real life scenarios. The child also develops behavioral norms, moral values, and learns to make decisions by himself/herself and adjust to opinions of peers and adults. This paperwork is aimed to analyze the development of the emotional perception and selfexpression brought by creative games in preschoolers. The theoretical part of the paper represents the analysis of scientific literature on the subject. It discusses the peculiarities of emotions in preschool age and importance of emotional competence to the child’s personality. The games the children play and their characteristics were also analyzed. It reveals the influence that these games have on the development of emotional skills in children. The results of the study are showcased and analyzed in the practical part of the paperwork. A questionnaire was used to gather the results. The survey was carried out among 60 pre-school pedagogues. The following conclusions were reached after compiling the results of the study:  • Game experience makes it easier to understand new communication situations, to adapt to others, to gain recognition. The game relaxes the child, helps to survive various emotions in the restored situation, unleash anxiety, tense feelings, and experience the pleasure of the game.  • Teachers have a positive understanding of the game as an emotional tool for developing a child's skills that supports and nurtures the dignity, self-confidence and abilities of the child, enables them to understand their feelings, understand, express and meet their most important needs; to respect others, express or otherwise express their feelings, opinions; to acquire games, activities alongside and together skills, communication, cooperation, practical problem solving, peaceful disputes.  • Emotional skills are best matched by games that help to explore, act freely, and do not oblige adults, such activities stimulate the child's further development, and the child's physical and mental function is enhanced. In games, children replicate the language and actions of adults (parents and educators), learn to solve problems, although they do not always deal with them properly (usually they need adult help). en
dc.description.abstract Žaidimas – svarbi ikimokyklinuko veikla, kurioje išryškėja asmeninės vaiko savybės, susijusios su socialinių įgūdžių įgijimu, meistriškumu, vaizduote, proto lankstumu, kurios suteikia pasirinkimo laisvę. Žaisdamas ir fantazuodamas vaikas išmėgina įvairius elgesio būdus, kokie realiame jo gyvenime neįmanomi, formuojasi elgesio normas ir dorovines vertybes, mokosi priimti sprendimus vienas ir taikytis prie bendraamžių ir suaugusiųjų nuomonių. Žaidimo patirtis padeda lengviau perprasti naujas bendravimo situacijas, pritapti prie kitų, pelnyti pripažinimą. Žaidimas atpalaiduoja vaiką, padeda paties atkuriamoje situacijoje dar kartą išgyventi įvairias emocijas, išlieti nerimą, įtampą keliančius jausmus, kartu patirti žaidimo malonumą. Emocinių įgūdžių ugdymui geriausiai tinka žaidimai padedantys tyrinėti, laisvai veikti, juose suaugusieji nekelia reikalavimų, tokia veikla stimuliuoja vaiko tolesnę raidą, žaidžiant lavėja vaiko fizinės ir psichinės funkcijos. Žaidimuose vaikai atkartoja suaugusiųjų (tėvų ir auklėtojų) kalbą ir veiksmus, mokosi spręsti problemas, nors ne visada jas sprendžia tinkamai (dažniausiai jiems reikia suaugusiųjų pagalbos). Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti emocijų suvokimo ir raiškos ugdymą/-si kūrybiniais žaidimais ikimokykliniame amžiuje. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject emocijos en_US
dc.subject kūrybiniai žaidimai en_US
dc.title Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų emocijų suvokimo ir raiškos ugdymas/-is kūrybiniais žaidimais en_US
dc.title.alternative Perception of emotions and self-expression brought by creative games in pre-school children en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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