DSpace talpykla

Kasdieninio gyvenimo įgūdžių ugdymas/-is ankstyvojo amžiaus grupėje

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dc.contributor.author Kucinaitė, Jolita
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-09T05:18:29Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-09T05:18:29Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-14
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1979
dc.description The relevancy and problem of the subject. The subject of everyday skills in the group of toddler-aged children is not discussed often. Most families send their toddlers to nursery pedagogues, even though it’s best if children under 3 years old grow up in a family environment. Parents expect that all of their child’s needs will be met, that they will also receive advice on how to act as parents as well. A part of everyday skills, it seems, is earned in early childhood, even without an active role from parents and other adults being played in this process. Still, parents, nursery pedagogues and teachers do play an important part in teaching children everyday skills. It is especially important that the teaching of everyday skills is unified, logical and stable both from the side of the family and the pedagogue. The research object. Teaching of everyday skills in toddler age bracket. The research objective: to analyze the teaching of everyday skills in the toddler age bracket. Tasks: 1. To theoretically justify the concept, content, methods, tools, and value of everyday skills education in the toddler age group with respect to the theory of early child education? 2. To carry out a research project about everyday skills education in the toddler age group and present its results. 3. Based on the results of the research, to plan and realize an educational project in a pre-school institution. Research methods: 1. Analysis of scientific literature, with the goal of over viewing everyday skills' education in the toddler age group. 2. Survey (spoken) aimed at discovering the outlook parents and pedagogues have in the aspect of everyday skills education in the toddler age group. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe pateikiama kasdieninio gyvenimo įgūdžių ugdymo/-si ankstyvoje amžiaus grupėje analizė. Pabrėžiama ypatinga tėvų ir pedagogų bendradarbiavimo svarba šiame procese, siekant pozityvių rezultatų. Pateikiami atlikti empirinio tyrimo duomenys, edukacinio projekto rezultatai, kurio metu vaikai ugdėsi sveikatos stiprinimo, komunikavimo, pažinimo kompetencijas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikai en_US
dc.subject kasdieniniai gyvenimo įgūdžiai en_US
dc.title Kasdieninio gyvenimo įgūdžių ugdymas/-is ankstyvojo amžiaus grupėje en_US
dc.title.alternative Teaching of everyday skills in the toddler age bracket en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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