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Ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų kalbos žodyno turtinimas per žaidybinę veiklą

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dc.contributor.author Kizevičienė, Vilma
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-09T05:15:06Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-09T05:15:06Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-14
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1976
dc.description Relevance. Young age is the age of children up to three years old. During this age children start to manage their behaviour, intentions, while imitating the behaviour of family and others, they can follow behaviour rules that are clearly defined, they seek for a successful result, they behave in the way parents teach them and behave themselves. Problem of the research: How is vocabulary enriched through a playful activity to young age children? Object of the research: Enrichment of vocabulary through a playful activity to young age children. Aim of the research: to reveal peculiarities of enrichment of vocabulary through a playful activity to young age children. The tasks of the research: 1. To prove theoretically the importance of enrichment of vocabulary through playful activity to young age children. 2. To determine parents and pedagogues’ opinion about peculiarities of enrichment of vocabulary through playful activity to young age children. 3. To initiate, plan and realise educational project in pre-school institution X on the basis of the results of the research. The methods of the research: analysis of scientific literature, written survey, oral survey, analysis of statistical data. Conclusions. The results of the research revealed that communicational skills of young age children (1.5-year-old to 3-year-old) are still very weak, they can focus their attention for a very short period of time, and the content of their games changes. Children of this age want to play with various instructive toys, they are interested in educational games, however, not all children have appropriate educational measures for language learning and enrichment of vocabulary at home. A part of parents do not devote sufficient amount of time for enrichment of vocabulary of their children at home. According to teachers, the groups in kindergarten do not have enough measures for enrichment of vocabulary through playful activities. en
dc.description.abstract Analizuojama ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų kalbos žodyno turtinimas per žaidyminę veiklą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject ankstyvasis amžius en_US
dc.subject kalbos raida en_US
dc.subject žaidimas en_US
dc.subject kalbos turtinimas en_US
dc.title Ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų kalbos žodyno turtinimas per žaidybinę veiklą en_US
dc.title.alternative Enrichment of vocabulary through playful activity to young age children en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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