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4-5 metų amžiaus vaikų, turinčių kalbos sutrikimų, kalbos įgūdžių lavinimo galimybės, taikant meninio ugdymo (vaidybos) elementus

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Giedgaudienė, Kristina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-09T05:10:34Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-09T05:10:34Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-14
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1972
dc.description Work relevance. There are many cases in Lithuania (even 50%) when children with language disorders are educated in pre-school and pre-primary institutions. In this work, the selected age -were chosen – 4-5 years old children with different levels of language disorders (minor, moderate and notorious). For instance, hearing perception and linguistic issues, slow language development or undeveloped language. Some of the disorders are congenital, some inherited from the environment. The latter can be overcome by various methodological tools. The object of the research. Artistic education-related measures that affect the language of healthy children aged 4-5 and help develop the language skills of children with language disorders. The aim of the research. To disclose opportunities for language skills development for 4-5year-olds with language disorders using elements or artistic education. Tasks of the research: 1. Discuss the development of 4-5-year old children by highlighting factors that influence the development of language skills and overcoming language disorders, tools, methods and conditions for language skills of children aged 4-5 years. 2. To study possibilities of language skills development of 4-5-year-old children with language disorders using elements of artistic education (acting) in pre-school and pre-primary education institutions; 3. Perform a project with 4-5-year-old children with language disorders using elements of artistic education (acting). Methods of empirical research. Analysis of scientific literature and documents, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis of data. The main conclusions. The results of study revealed the effectiveness and need for artistic methods or children with language disorders. It also disclosed teachers’ assessment and attitude. It is possible to say that such activities are enjoyed buy both educators and children who are very enthusiastic about them. The results shoed that artistic education is a highly effective tool for language learning for children aged 4-5 years with language disorders. en
dc.description.abstract Lietuvoje yra nemažai atvejų (netgi 50 proc.), kuomet ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose ugdomi vaikai, turintys kalbos sutrikimų. Šiame darbe buvo tiriami pasirinkto amžiaus, t. y. 4-5 metų, vaikai, kurie turi įvairaus lygmens (nežymaus, vidutinio ir žymaus) kalbos sutrikimus. Pavyzdžiui, girdimojo suvokimo ir lingvistiniai sutrikimai, sulėtėjusi kalbos raida ar kalbos neišsivystymas. Kai kurie iš sutrikimų būna įgimti, kai kurie paveldėti iš aplinkos. Pastaruosius galima įveikti pasitelkus įvairias metodines priemones. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, meninės veiklos metodų veiksmingumą ir poreikį, vaikams, turintiems kalbos sutrikimų. Taip pat atskleidė pedagogų vertinimą ir požiūrį. Galima teigti, kad tokius užsiėmimus mėgsta tiek pedagogai, tiek vaikai, kurie į juos įsitraukia itin geranoriškai. Rezultatai parodė, kad meninio ugdymo veikla – itin efektyvi priemonė lavinant 4-5 metų amžiaus vaikų, turinčių kalbos sutrikimų, kalbą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Dailės terapija en_US
dc.subject kalbos sutrikimas en_US
dc.subject kalbos neišsivystymas en_US
dc.subject kalbos raida en_US
dc.subject meninis ugdymas en_US
dc.subject sulėtėjusis kalbos raida en_US
dc.title 4-5 metų amžiaus vaikų, turinčių kalbos sutrikimų, kalbos įgūdžių lavinimo galimybės, taikant meninio ugdymo (vaidybos) elementus en_US
dc.title.alternative Possibilities for developing language skills by applying elements of artistic education (acting) for 4-5 years old children with language disorder en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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