DSpace talpykla

M. Montessori metodo priemonių panaudojimo galimybės vaikų dėmesio koncentracijos lavinimui/-si ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje

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dc.contributor.author Urbonavičiūtė, Marija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-08T11:03:48Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-08T11:03:48Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1965
dc.description Theme Revelance: In all world are a lot of children, who can‘t concentrate attention in education process. Children can‘t concentrate, do not accumulate they can‘t do certain activities. Children inattention is a common phenomenon, which may be due to the inherent characteristics of the child, various environmental factors or pathological disorders. The final work object: to reveal M. Montessori method possibilities of using these tools Children's attention to the development of concentration in pre-school education. The final work task: 1. To theoretically ground M. Montessori method Possibilities of using the tools for the development of children's attention concentration in pre-school educational institution 2. To determine the M. Montessori method opportunities for using the tools to develop children's attention. 3. Based on research results, plan and implement an educational project "I want educate my attention differently" The final work results: 1. Many children under the age of six may be relatively short-lived and easily dispersed. The main causes of non-accumulation may be pathological or may be influenced by the inherent characteristics of the child, various environmental factors. Positive factors influencing the child's attention concentration - safe environment, stress-free education, disciplined activity, motivation for action, good working atmosphere, rest, proper use of IT, healthy eating, etc. 2. The study found that pre-school education groups working under other curricula (other than the Montessori method) are increasing the number of children who are unable to concentrate in the educational process, educators believe that children's attention can be developed in other ways, and that Montessori's measures would be effective in educating children in preschool education, but this is not the primary objective of the educational institution. 3. About the project, it can be said that during the project the children developed the concentration of attention, tried to understand the concept of concentration of attention, got acquainted with the principles, method and didactical means of M. Montessori's method. Performed selected activities from certain didactic measures of the Montessori method that correspond to the age groups of children. en
dc.description.abstract Visame pasaulyje daugėja vaikų, kurie pasižymi dėmesio stoka ugdymo/-si procese. Vaikai negeba susikoncentruoti, nesusikaupia atlikti tam tikros veiklos. Vaikų nedėmesingumas yra dažnas reiškinys, kuris gali atsirasti dėl prigimtinių vaiko savybių. Atlikus tyrimą buvo pasebėta, kad ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos grupėse, dirbančiose pagal kitas ugdymo programas (ne Montessori metodu), daugėja vaikų, kurie nesugeba susikoncentruoti ugdymo/-si procese. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject M. Montessori metodas en_US
dc.subject dėmesio koncentracija en_US
dc.title M. Montessori metodo priemonių panaudojimo galimybės vaikų dėmesio koncentracijos lavinimui/-si ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje en_US
dc.title.alternative M. Montessori method possibilities of using these tools children's attention to the development of concentration in pre-school education en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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