DSpace talpykla

Vaikų agresyvaus elgesio prevencija ikimokyklinėje ugdymo įstaigoje

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dc.contributor.author Misiūnaitė, Silvija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-08T08:26:01Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-08T08:26:01Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1940
dc.description Significance of the work. Today, aggressive behaviour from children is often experienced by teachers in pre-school education institutions and parents at home. Many children find it difficult to get in touch with others by communicating positively, get involved in the group, understand another person, retreat and constructively resolve the conflict. In order to reduce the aggressive behaviour of children, it is necessary to: develop children's personal and social skills; to improve the qualification of teachers; educate parents and the community of children and more. Problem: aggressive behaviour of children. Subject: Prevention of child aggressive behaviour in pre-school education institutions. Objective: To disclose prevention of aggressive behaviour of children in pre-school education. Aims: 1. Discuss preconditions and assumptions of child aggressive behaviour in pre-school education. 2. Identify ways / methods of preventing child aggressive behaviour in pre-school education. 3. To reveal the possibilities of preventing children from aggressive behaviour in pre-school education institution X ''. 4. Plan and implement an educational project "Preventing Children's Aggressive Behaviour". Conclusions: 1. Aggressive behaviour of children in today's preschool institutions is a common phenomenon. Aggressive children behaviour is related with trying to seek attention, recognition, revenge, and satisfaction of child’s personal needs. 2. Preschool education institutions are trying to prevent children from aggressive behaviour by improving the qualification of educators, educating parents and the community of pre-school children. 3. According to the respondents and informants who have participated in the research, the aggressive behaviour of children is usually manifested in the following conditions: beating, biting, kicking, chattering, screaming, destruction of objects, contradictions, threats, anger attacks, etc. 4. During the Educational Project, the pedagogues got acquainted with the tools / methods that help to reduce the child's aggression and keep them calm in stressful situations. Methods: Analysis of scientific literature. Interview and survey. en
dc.description.abstract Šiandien su agresyviu vaiko elgesiu dažnai tenka susidurti padagogams ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose ir tėvams namuose. Daugeliui vaikų tampa sunku užmegzti pozityvų konkaktą su kitais, įsilieti į grupę, suprasti kitą, atsitraukti ir konstruktyviai išspręsti konfliktą. Siekdami sumažinti vaikų agresyvų elgesį būtina susilpninti ir paaiškinti socialinės rizikos įgūdžius, tobulinti mokytojų kvalifikaciją, šviesti vaikų tėvus ir bendruomenė ir kt. Siekiant atskleisti vaikų agresyvaus elgesio prevencijos galimybes ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje „X“ buvo atliktas empyrinis tyrimas. Tyirimo metu buvo išsiaiškinta kaip dažnai ir kokiais veiksmais dažniausiai vaikai išreiškia agresiją, kas lemia agresyvų vaikų elgesį bei kokių priemonių/metodų reikia imtis, kad būtų sumažintas agresyvus vaikų elgesys. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Vaikų agresyvus elgesys en_US
dc.subject prevencija en_US
dc.title Vaikų agresyvaus elgesio prevencija ikimokyklinėje ugdymo įstaigoje en_US
dc.title.alternative Prevention of children's aggressive behavior in the pre-school education institution en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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