Darbe analizuojama, kokią įtaką turi gamtinė aplinka ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų matematinės kompetencijos ugdymui/-si. Tyirimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog daugumos pedagogų manymu gamtinė aplinka yra svarbi ir metamatikos kompetencijos ugdymui/-si, tačiau tik maža dalis pedagogų renkasi matematinio ugdymo veiklas gamtinėje aplinkoje.
Identification of the problem. It has been noticed that modern children are most interested in self-searching information, creating in real environment. They want to see, hear and feel everything by themselves (Grigalevičienė, 2015). Research reveals that the most important skills that children have to gain - to make decisions and responsibilities, to take risks, to be aware of the world not only in letters, but also in numbers - are likely to be acquired in natural environment. However, not all teachers understand the importance of logical thinking and mathematical knowledge for the education and development of children in natural environment. Therefore, the question arises what is the impact of natural environment on the development of mathematical competence of pre-school children? The aim/goal is: to reveal the influence of natural environment on the development of mathematical competence of pre-school children. The object: development of children's mathematical competence in nature. The objectives: 1. Theoretically justify the influence of natural environment on the development of mathematical competence of pre-school children. 2. To carry out empirical research to find out the influence of natural environment on the development of mathematical competence of pre-school children. 3. To initiate, plan and implement an educational project based on the results of the research at a preschool education institution. Research methods: 1. Analysis of scientific literature and documents to reveal the influence of natural environment in developing mathematical competence of pre-school children. 2. Written survey (questionnaire) for educators to find out the impact of natural environment on the development of mathematical competence of pre-school children. Conclusions: 1. Analyzing the scientific literature it has become clear that natural environment has a positive influence on the development of mathematical competence of pre-school children. Mathematical images must be in the real environment of the child.
2. Summarizing the results of the research carried out it can be stated that in the opinion of most teachers the natural environment is important and significant for the development of the mathematical competence of pre-school children, but only a small part of teachers choose mathematical education activities in the natural environment. 3. The implemented project “I can do mathematical actions in nature” has shown that the natural environment has a positive influence on the development of mathematical competence of pre-school children - children learn the information they see / hear much more quickly, they reflect their activities more easily, they communicate much more and cooperate with each other, they want to see and explore everything independently.