DSpace talpykla

Fizinio aktyvumo skatinimo būdai ankstyvajame amžiuje ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje

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dc.contributor.author Drulytė, Deimantė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-08T07:16:46Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-08T07:16:46Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1926
dc.description Relevance of the research. In the current society, more and more often is the physical activity of children, which is a factor of healthy lifestyle, but in Lithuania the physical activity of children has reached the critical limit. The approach to physical activity and behavioral skills at an early age can help to develop a healthy and physically active society. Be healthy for every human being, which can come true if we are physically active. The following problematic issues are analyzed in the thesis: how much time is spent on physical activity in the early childhood rhythm, how do educators promote the physical activity of early childhood children? The object of this analysis - ways of promoting physical activity at an early age in pre-school education. The aim of the paper - to reveal ways of promoting physical activity at early age in pre-school education. Objectives of the paper: 1. Theoretically justify the concept of physical activity, its type, its significance for the development of children of early age and to distinguish theoretical ways of promoting physical activity of children of early age. 2. To determine ways to promote physical activity at early age in pre-school education. 3. To initiate, plan and realize educational project. Research methods: 1. Analysis of scientific literature to theoretically justify ways of promoting physical activity at an early age. 2. Interview - a semi structured interview to find out ways to promote physical activity at an early age in a preschool. The volume of the paper: The work consists of three sections. The first chapter provides an analysis of various scientific literature. The second chapter presents and discusses the results of the study. The third chapter contains a description of the educational project. The work consists of 50 pages, 3 tables and 2 paintings. 50 different authors‘ sources of literature were used. en
dc.description.abstract Dabartinėje visuomenėje vis dažniau yra kalbama apie vaikų fizinį aktyvumą, kuris yra sveikos gyvensenos veiksnys, tačiau Lietuvoje vaikų fizinis aktyvumas jau yra pasiekęs kritinę ribą. Požiūris į fizinį aktyvumą ir elgesio įgūdžiai pradedami ugdyti ankstyvajame amžiuje gali padėti išugdyti sveiką ir fiziškai aktyvią visuomenę. Tyrimas atskleidė tai, kad fizinis aktyvumas gerina ne tik fizinę sveikatą, bet ir psichinę, didina vaikų savigarbą, pasitikėjimą savimi. Taip pat tyrimo metu pavyko išsiaiškinti šiuos fizinio aktyvumo skatinimo būdus ankstyvajam vaikų amžiui: bendraamžių dalyvavimas bendrose fizinio aktyvumo veiklose ir pedagogių sukurta saugi aplinka, pagarba visiems vaikams. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Fizinis aktyvumas en_US
dc.subject skatinimo būdai en_US
dc.subject judrieji žaidimai en_US
dc.title Fizinio aktyvumo skatinimo būdai ankstyvajame amžiuje ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje en_US
dc.title.alternative Methods of promoting physical activity in the early age in the school education institution en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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