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Viršutinio žandikaulio septynių dantų restauravimas naudojant IPS. E.max presavimo technologiją

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dc.contributor.author Vaičekauskytė, Viktorija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-17T06:34:32Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-17T06:34:32Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/184
dc.description Student of dental technology study program Viktorija Vaičekauskytė finished her final thesis "Restoration of the upper jaw of seven teeth using IPS. E.max press technology". Manager of the work is Diana Skaudickienė. Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Oral Health. Kaunas, 2018 The most popular dental prosthesis in Lithuania is conventional non-removable dentures: dental crowns or bridge dentures. The advanced technologies and equipment used in denture prosthetics help to restore not only excellent dental function, but also enable the production of a high aesthetics prosthesis. Rapid technological growth also increases the needs of patients. Today, not only function and aesthetics, but also the highest possible maintenance of natural tooth tissues in the presence of dental holes or dead teeth, is important for patients. Matching dental technician's functional, aesthetic and color needs in the area of forearm is an important task. For this reason, the purpose of the work was to evaluate the restoration of the upper jaw IPS of the teeth. e.max press technology using dyeing technique. In order to achieve the goal, the tasks were set: To describe the scientific and professional literature on dentures with ceramic materials; Make and evaluate six veneers in the area of the front teeth and one in the teeth. In the course of the work and following the analysis of the scientific literature, it was concluded that in order to obtain the maximum high aesthetics and to combine functional and color requirements in the field of anterior teeth, lithium disilicate, zirconium oxide, and aluminum oxide carcasses with brushed ceramics are most suitable. Using these materials, you can extract a prosthesis equating to a natural person teeth. By applying theoretical knowledge in practice, 6 veneers and one crown were made. Using IPS e. Max Press system was made of 26 root teeth and 11,12,13,21,22,23 veneers in the front teeth area. According to the patient's request, the front teeth were lengthened, the color of the teeth was not strange. en
dc.description.abstract Viršutinio žandikaulio septynių dantų restauravimas IPS. e.max Press technologija naudojant dažymo techniką. Priekinių dantų protezavimas labiausiai tinkamomis medžiagomis. Darbo eigoje, bei atlikus mokslinės literatūros analizę, buvo padarytos išvados, kad norint išgauti maksimaliai aukštą estetiką, bei suderinti funkcinius ir spalvinius reikalavimus priekinių dantų srityje, labiausiai tinkama yra ličio disilikato, cirkonio oksido, aliuminio oksido karkasai su užsloksniuota keramika. Naudojant šias medžiagas galima išgauti protezą prilygstanti natūraliems žmogaus dantims. Pritaikius teorines žinias praktikoje, buvo pagamintos 6 laminates ir vienas vainikėlis. Naudojant IPS. e. max Press sistemą buvo pagamintas 26 krūminis dantis ir 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23 dantų laminatės priekinių dantų zonoje. Pagal paciento pageidavimus buvo prailginti priekiniai dantys, dantų spalva nebuvo keista. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject IPS. e. max Press, laminatė, dantys, protezavimas, dažymo technika en_US
dc.title Viršutinio žandikaulio septynių dantų restauravimas naudojant IPS. E.max presavimo technologiją en_US
dc.title.alternative Restoration of the Upper Jaw of Seven Teeth Using IPS. E.max Press Technology en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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