DSpace talpykla

Veiksniai, lemiantys „perdegimo“ sindromo atsiradimą, gydytojo odontologo padėjėjo darbe

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Tarasovaitė, Marija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-17T06:34:02Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-17T06:34:02Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/183
dc.description Marija Tarasovaitė (the student of the Odontology Care Study Programme) has conducted the final thesis “Factors Determining Origination of the “Burnout” Syndrome in the Dental Assistant’s Work”. The Head of the work is the lecturer Danguolė Grūnovienė. The Faculty of Medicine of the Kaunas College, Department of Oral Health. Kaunas; 2018. The goal of the final thesis is to reveal factors determining origination of the “burnout” syndrome in the dental assistant’s work. The tasks of the work are as follows: 1. To describe the history and concept of the “burnout” syndrome, as well as its expression in the medical professionals environment. 2. Theoretically substantiate factors leading to origination of the “burnout” syndrome and its prevention. 3. To determine factors leading to origination of the “burnout” syndrome in the dental assistant’s work. Analysis of the scientific literature has been performed within the scope of this final thesis as well as inquiry in writing. In order to determine factors leading to origination of the “burnout” syndrome, a qualitative research has been conducted; an inquiry in writing has been applied as the data accumulation method. The research was conducted within the period from 22 February to 3 April 2018, 96 dental assistants participated in the inquiry. The research participants have been selected by the non-probability occasional sample technique. The research instrument – the inquiry – consists of 24 questions. Tables and diagrams have been made by applying the MS Excel 2016 programme. The research results revealed that persons within the age group of 19-25 with the work experience of less than 5 years mostly participated in the research and all those persons had experienced symptoms of the professional “burnout” syndrome in their work. The respondents indicated that this phenomenon could also be referred to as emotional exhaustion and long-term professional fatigue determined by the long-term continuous stress at work and duties requiring a lot of efforts. All this is expressed in total loss of energy, moral exhaustion, however not leading to decrease in the professional competence of the employee. Unmet working conditions and excessive undertaken obligation to work are identified as factors leading to experienced symptoms of the professional “burnout” syndrome, irrespective of the young age of the employee. The major part of respondents participating in the research experience long-tem stress at work determined by the personal characteristics of the employee, anxiety in respect to performed tasks are mostly troubling employees. The major part of respondents consider this phenomenon to be related with the working environment, therefore origination of the “burnout” syndrome for them was determined by the excessive work load, discrepancy between opportunities and requirements, financial pay rate, high working speed, but absence of professional aid and conflicts at work were indicated as the least influencing factors. All this leads to negligent attitude towards work and unwillingness to go to work. Since the work load is indicated as the major factor influencing the professional “burnout” syndrome, thus if asked what dissatisfied the respondents, the major part stressed that these were long working hours and uncoordinated working schedule. en
dc.description.abstract Darbe atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė ir anketinė apklausa raštu. Siekiant sužinoti veiksnius, nulėmusius profesinio „perdegimo“ sindromo atsiradimą, buvo atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, pasirinktas duomenų rinkimo metodas – apklausa raštu. Tyrimas vyko 2018 metų vasario 22 - balandžio 3 dienomis, apklausoje dalyvavo 96 gydytojų odontologų padėjėjai. Darbas sudarytas iš trijų dalių , dviejų teorinių, kuriose buvo aprašoma „perdegimo“ sindromo istorija, samprata ir jo raiška medicinos darbuotojų aplinkoje. Teoriškai pagrindžiami veiksniai, lemiantys „perdegimo“ sindromo atsiradimą ir jo prevencija bei viena empirinė, kurioje nustatomi veiksniai, lemiantys „perdegimo“ sindromo atsiradimą gydytojų odontologų padėjėjų darbe. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject „perdegimo“ sindromas, emocinis išsekimas, gydytojo odontologo padėjėjas en_US
dc.title Veiksniai, lemiantys „perdegimo“ sindromo atsiradimą, gydytojo odontologo padėjėjo darbe en_US
dc.title.alternative Factors Determining Origination of the “Burnout” Syndrome in the Dental Assistant’s Work en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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