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The attitude towards academic dishonesty among students of pharmacy technician study program. Academic honesty is an ethical principle based on openness, confidence, respect, integrity and responsibility, which is applicable to academic activities (Fishman, T., 2014). Academic dishonesty is a relevant problem that penetrates all areas and stages of science and studies, scientific, pedagogical and administrative activities in all countries (Bikulčiūtė, R., 2013). There is an increasing number of studies showing that there is a direct relationship between unethical student behavior at school and their work environment later on in their career. The researches of academic dishonesty allow planning, designing and implementing preventive measures. The main aim of the study was to reveal the attitude towards academic dishonesty among students of pharmacy technicians program. Methods: the research has been completed in the Department of Pharmacy technicians at Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, in 2018 February – March and in 2019 April. The study included I, II and III courses of pharmacy technicians (in quastionnare N=92, in interwiev N=7). The research instruments were two: 1) an anonymous questionnaire consisting five blocks of questions about ways and experience of cheating, reasons of cheating, preventive measures, attitudes and demographic data; 2) semi-structured interwiev consisting of five questions about: experience, cheating cases, feelings, reasons for cheating and preventive measures Main software tools used were IBM SPSS Statistics 23, Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and Microsoft Office Word 2010. Data was presented in percentage charts, tables of values and shemes. The obtained data was compared on the basis of cheating ways, frequency and factors that encourage academic dishonesty, taking into account the study course and the grade point average (GPA). The results - 97.8% show that academic dishonesty is widespread among students of pharmacy technicians. The most common way of cheating is the use of auxiliary means (notes, drawers, mobile phones, smart bracelets, etc.) at time of lectures and exams (67%). The most uncommon way of cheating is buying various tasks for money (3,3%). The main factors of cheating , regardless of the GPA and the course, are good grades (62.7%) and excessive workload (76.9%). Cheating causes a various feelings and emotions, but the most common is negative feelings. The most effective preventive measure of academic dishonesty is the opportunity to take a closer look at subjects of studies (32%). Meanwhile, expulsion from higher education institution is too strict and ineffective as a preventive measure (3%). Conclusions: in these days academic dishonesty is a very revelant problem among students, which is manifested in various ways of cheating due to different incentives. In order to avoid the problem, it is necessary to take new preventive measures that would encourage students to be academically honest. |
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Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo paaiškinta akademinio sąžiningumo samprata, labiausiai paplitusios akademinio nesąžiningumo formos, paplitimo priežastys, prevencinės priemonės. Pristatyti akademinio nesąžiningumo paplitimo tyrimai. Ištirtas farmakotechnikos studijų programos studentų požiūris į akademinį sąžiningumą. Taip pat ištirtos farmakotechnikos studijų programos studentų patirtys akademinio nesąžiningumo atvejais. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę, buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro turinys, santrauka, įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 51 psl. 36 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. |
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