Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo aprašyti išoriniai bei vidiniai veiksniai, kurie lemia gyventojų vaistinių prekių ir vaistinių preparatų pasirinkimą, išsiaiškinti rinkodaros veiksniai, kurie lemia pasirinkimą.
Darbe buvo aptarta farmacijos specialisto įtaka renkantis vaistines prekes ar vaistinius preparatus. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro turinys, santrauka, įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 38 psl. 18 bibliografinių šaltinių
The relevancy of the topic. Medicinal products and pharmacy goods are, marketable in society. Every person chooses a medicinal product or pharmacy good individually to satisfy their needs, but it is also influenced by external and internal factors. External factors, that have a huge influence on consumers choice, are four: culture, class, influence group and family. Internal factors include psychological factors and include: motivation, perception, cognition, memory. The objective of research. To reveal the factors determining the choice of medicinal products and pharmacy goods for the population. Research tasks. 1) To define external and internal factors and the importance of the marketing elements for the selection of medicinal products and pharmacy goods. 2) To theoretically justify the influence of a pharmaceutical specialist choosing medicinal products and pharmacy goods.
3) To reveal the factors influencing the selection of medicinal products and pharmacy goods for the residents of Mažeikiai. Results. After the analysis of the research, the factors influencing the choice of the population, choosing medicinal products and pharmacy goods were identified. The results of the survey allowed to create statistics on the choices of residents of Mažeikiai city. Conclusion. 1) External factors play an important role in consumer choice. They can determine the choice of medicinal products and pharmacy goods. The information that a consumer receives about a medicinal product or a pharmacy good first of all causes a consumer's attention, then an understanding occurs, and eventually all the information received remains in memory. 2) When working in a pharmacy, the pharmacy specialist contacts the people who visit it, advises them, responds to the concerns, so it is important that the person is given proper attention, and that the information about the medicinal products or the goods of the pharmacy is widely explained and understood. 3) After interviewing the residents of Mažeikiai city, it turned out that most of the medicinal products and pharmacy goods are bought 1 - 2 times a month (46.3%). The majority of respondents said they were most influenced by the doctor's recommendations (46.3%) when they chose medicinal products or pharmacy goods. Respondents are only partially influenced by the pharmaceutical specialist (88.6%).