DSpace talpykla

Užimtumo galimybės vidutinės proto negalios asmenimis

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dc.contributor.author Auga, Dovydas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-07-10T08:24:21Z
dc.date.available 2019-07-10T08:24:21Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-17
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1789
dc.description Relevance of the topic – the topic “Employment possibilities for people with average mental disability” is very up-to-date with its novelty. Most researches have been analysing possibilities of employment of disabled people in day centres, foster homes, but their possibilities to join an open labour market were not much explored. This topic is useful and urgent in practice. Therefore, trying to facilitate and improve integration of disabled people into the labour market, it is necessary to accomplish research and display important problems, highlights, needs of social work. Aim of the research- reveal possibilities for people with average mental disability. Subject matter of the research- employment possibilities for people with average mental disability. Question of the research- what are the employment possibilities for people with average mental disability. Method of the research- survey, questionnaire containing 22 questions. In order to analyse employment possibilities for people with average mental disability a quantity research was accomplished in Kaunas Self-supporting Life Home” Būkime drauge”. 30 people, getting the service of social rehabilitation in self-supporting home, took part in this research. Conclusion of the research- while analysing employment possibilities for people with average mental disability, it became clear that most of them do not know any possibilities, which can be used to join the labour market. Some respondents knew that there is a possibility of integration into labour market using possibilities of vocational education, obtaining profession or getting employed by social institutions. More than a half of the respondents stated, that having no professional set-up and education is the main drawback for employment. Almost an equal part of respondents described their health state and lack of motivation, as one of the main reasons to find a job. Most of them think, the greatest help to get employed would be a job assistant in the work place, as well as flexible work schedule or help of an employment agent. One third of the respondents expressed wish to work in two job spheres: cleaning and service, for example in cafes, transport companies and etc. Some wanted to work at construction sites or help with reconstruction or mending. During the research all respondents noted that a job could give them possibility to have their own income and it would give possibility to become and feel more independent, as all people in our society. en
dc.description.abstract Tema „Užimtumo galimybės vidutinės proto negalios asmenims“ yra aktuali savo naujumu. Dauguma tyrimų yra atlikta tiriant negalios asmenų užimtumo galimybes dienos centruose, globos namuose, tačiau jų galimybes įsilieti į atvirą darbo rinką yra mažai tyrinėta. Ši tema yra naudinga ir svarbi praktikoje. Todėl, siekiant palengvinti ir pagerinti neįgalių asmenų integravimąsi į darbo rinką, būtina atlikti tyrimus ir atskleisti svarbias socialinio darbo problemas, akcentus, poreikius. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Neįgalumas, neįgalusis, suaugęs asmuo su negalia, profesinė reabilitacija, socialinė reabilitacija, dienos socialinės globos centrai, užimtumas, socialinė integracija, integracija en_US
dc.title Užimtumo galimybės vidutinės proto negalios asmenimis en_US
dc.title.alternative Occupational Possibilities for People with Moderate Mental Disability en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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