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Relevance of the topic. The area of social services is classified as a higher occupational risk activity, and the work of social workers working with certain groups of clients is included in the list of dangerous jobs (Lazutka, Žalimienė, Skučienė, Vareikytė, 2008). In order to ensure the quality of social work, many social workers with disabilities are undergoing research in the world, programs are being implemented to strengthen the staff's psychological resilience, stress management skills. Since work with a disabled person may require special psychological resources, it is not only the qualification of the staff but also the motivation of the social worker to be taken care of in foreign countries. In Lithuania, there have been few studies of the psychological well-being and resilience of social workers with disabilities. Therefore, the motivation of social workers to work with disabled young people: realities and challenges are a topical issue Relevance of the topic. In Lithuania, the negative impact on the motivation of the social worker, the constant collision with negative life phenomena, the indefinite criteria for the evaluation of the results of work, the high number of clients, the overtime and the low salary for work have a negative impact on motivation. This raises the question of whether the motivation measures that social workers with disabilities have in Lithuania today are sufficient for their effective work? Work objective: To determine motivation factors of social workers working with disabled young people Research methods: 1) Methods of grouping, systematizing, comparing and summarizing information are used for the analysis of scientific literature, legal acts and scientific sources; 2) Quantitative research; 3) Questionnaire survey; 4) Statistical data analysis; 5) Continent analysis. Researchers: Social workers working with young people with disabilities. Empirical research result: Social workers are motivated by good working conditions (74.3%), good relationship with the collective (68.6%), good relationship with the manager (57.3%), and the opportunity to improve (68.2%). career opportunity (71.2%), ability to use their skills (56%). The respondents agree that in their work as a means of motivation enhancement, the praise and evaluation of the leader is applied (58.7%). Most respondents believe that self-reflection (62.4 percent) and supervision (68.7 percent) are useful in applying professional experience. However, neither selfreflection (88.7 percent) nor supervision (85.4 percent) is used as a motivation tool. There is also a total disagreement about the use of salary increases (41.2%), career prospects (66.4%). Researchers agree that the manager constantly informs employees about work plans (67.2 percent), adjusts employee skills (51.2 percent), respects employee efforts (52.1 percent), however, subjects disagree that the manager creates a cozy working environment (44%), take into account the proposals of employees (69.8%). Most of the respondents agree that factors such as high tension (89.7%), low pay (87.3%), job security for disabled people (59.6%), lack of careers cause the greatest dissatisfaction at work. outlook (65.3%), poor working conditions (58.3%). The respondents (72.4%) seek help from colleagues in case of difficulties at work. |
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Lietuvoje neigiamą poveikį motyvacijai turi nedidelis socialinio darbuotojo prestižas visuomenėje, nuolatinis susidūrimas su neigiamais gyvenimo reiškiniais, neapibrėžti darbo rezultatų vertinimo kriterijai, didelis klientų skaičius, viršvalandžiai bei mažas atlyginimas už darbą. Dėl to kyla klausimas, ar motyvacijos priemonės, kurias iki šių dienų Lietuvoje turi su neįgaliaisiais dirbantis socialinio darbo personalas, yra pakankamos jų efektyviam darbui |
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