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Relevance of the topic: Convicts are a part of our society. Resocialization of former convicts is one of the problems in today's society. In order to decrease the criminological level in Lithuania and due to the large-scale indicators, and the fact that the number of convicted prisoners is not decreasing, it is very important to create a system of resocialization that would successfully help convicts to integrate into society. People returning from imprisonment face many social problems and the main task of a social worker is to educate and restore person's ability to independently solve social problems that he faces and to help to achieve personal changes. This requires a genuine analysis of what social worker activities are necessary for former convicts and the relationship between former convicts and social workers. Purpose of the final paper: To reveal the need of social worker services for former convicts. Object of the final work: Demand of social worker services for former convicts. Final paper questions: How do convicts evaluate a social worker? What is the need for social worker activities? What kind of social worker assistance measures for a former convict is not desirable? Method of research: Quantitative Study. Former prisoners of Alytus Correctional Home, who lived in the rehabilitation center "Oasis" and participated in the rehabilitation process, participated in the study. Only motivated rather than random former convicts were chosen for the investigation. The survey was conducted with the participation of 41 respondents. They were informed of the purpose of the investigation and were given confidentiality.
Study Conclusion: After analyzing the literature and the concept of rehabilitation of convicts and its situation in Lithuania, it can be stated that former convicts have many problems, which, if not solved, make it very difficult for them to integrate into society and as a result, they tend to reoffend. Therefore, prisoners need complex assistance. Individuals, who have returned from imprisonment, especially those with long experience of imprisonment, are no longer able to live independently as full-fledged members of society.
The survey data showed that the following social services were the most important for former convicts: financial advisory services, work skills acquisition issues, advice on children education , gaining a profession and upgrading their skills, finding work, declaring their place of residence, learning to keep tidiness at home and environment, group sessions with a social worker, help in rebuilding family relationships, managing divorce documents, and managing personal documents. According to the results of the study, it can be stated that former convicts do not need social worker consultations on personal hygiene and assistance in shopping. |
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Nuteistieji – mūsų visuomenės dalis. Iš įkalinimo įstaigų išėjusių asmenų resocializacija – viena iš šiandieninės visuomenės problemų. Atsižvelgiant į didelio masto rodiklius bei tai, kad nuteistųjų skaičius nemažėja, taip pat siekiant sumažinti kriminologeninį lygį Lietuvoje, yra labai svarbu sukurti tokią resocializacijos sistemą, kuri padėtų nuteistajam sėkmingai integruotis į visuomenę. Iš įkalinimo įstaigų grįžę asmenys susiduria su daugybe socialinių problemų, todėl socialinio darbuotojo, dirbančio su buvusiais nuteistaisiais, pagrindinė užduotis yra ugdyti ir atstatyti asmens gebėjimus savarankiškai spręsti jam iškilusias socialines problemas ir įgalinti siekti pokyčių asmeniniame gyvenime. Tam reikalinga tikslingai išanalizuoti, kokios socialinio darbuotojo veiklos reikalingos buvusiems nuteistiesiems, bei koks buvusių nuteistųjų santykis su socialiniu darbuotoju. |
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