dc.contributor.author |
Kazakevičiūtė, Lina |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-07-01T07:39:15Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-07-01T07:39:15Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-06-17 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1731 |
dc.description |
Relevance of the topic. There are many people in society who need social assistance. Such people, due to the lack of social skills themselves, cannot solve the social problems they face every day, participate in society, feel insecure and are often marginalized. Particularly important for such a group of people are those in foster care. The activities of social workers, that are working in childcare homes are related to minors who have been deprived of parental or parental care for various reasons. Social workers play an important role in the learning process of socialization with children that are left without parental care. In the course of institutional care reform, most employees experience substantial changes in their activities that both positively and negatively affect the quality of their work. Aim of the thesis: to identify social workers, that are working in children foster homes, changes in the way the institutional care is restructured. Object of the thesis: changes of social worker activity for institutional reform. The question of research. What kind of changes in activity occurred during the transformation of institutional care? Research methods used: analysis of scientific literature sources, qualitative research. Study Conclusion: following a qualitative study, it can be concluded that the surveyed social workers are touched by the institutional care reform system. They are clearly aware of their duties can describe what has been done since 2014, with the introduction of the Law on Restructuring. As negative features, informants pointed out the uncertainty, the final outcome of the transformation, the increased workload and the inadequate education and training of social workers in relation to the restructuring system. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių vaikų globos namuose, veikla yra siejama su nepilnamečiais, kurie yra dėl įvairių priežasčių netekę tėvų ar tėvų globos. Institucinės globos pertvarkos metu, dauguma darbuotojų patiria esminius veiklos pokyčius, kurie tiek teigiamai, tiek neigiamai įtakoja jų darbo kokybę. |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
other |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Socialinis darbas, vaikų institucinė globa, socialinis darbuotojas |
en_US |
dc.title |
Socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių vaikų globos namuose, veiklos pokyčiai vykstant vaikų institucinės globos pertvarkai. |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Changes in the Activities of Social Workers Working in Child Care Homes during the Institutional Reform of Child Care |
en_US |
dc.type |
Other |
en_US |