dc.contributor.author |
Aleksandravičiūtė, Sofija |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-07-01T05:52:13Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-07-01T05:52:13Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-06-17 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1723 |
dc.description |
Actuality of the topic: Current trends in population aging lead to the need for the development of stationary social services. An increasing number of elderly people are accommodated in residential institutions, most of whom face difficulties in adapting to a new location. Social worker - a key specialist, who organize, provide social services and works directly with people living in a care institution. It is especially important for him to understand the personal potential of each of his clients - the elderly and old man. Having assessed the personal potential of clients, it is important to properly utilize the social potential of the care institution - by developing social day care programs that promote adaptation in institutions.
The aim of the task: to identify the peculiarities of adaptation of people living, living and old in a social care institution. The object of the task: peculiarities of adaptation of the people living in the social care institution, the elderly and the elderly.
The question of analysis: What are the peculiarities of adapting people living, in a social care institution?
The type of analysis: the design of the research design essentially reflects the access to qualitative research, when analyzing the deep qualitative data (self-assessment) the psychodiagnostic method is complemented by a semi-structured interview. The application of these two methods is based on a systematic approach to research.
The target of analysis: elderly and old people living in a social care institution.
Conclusions: Analyzing the topic of adaptation peculiarities of elderly and old people, living in the social care institution, it has been identified that the adaptation of elderly and old people is a complicated phenomenon and depends both from personal and social potential. The quality of life - the physical and mental health, social activity, integration into the life of the community of fostering - depends on how the elderly, the old man adapts to the long-term social care institution. An analysis of empirical research data has revealed that most elderly people living in a social care facility need help to facilitate their adaptation process. The study reveals the interaction between older, old people's affiliated motivation and their adaptation in a social care institution: those who have a desire to be accepted (ie, an aspiration to affiliation) feel better in a care institution, actively participate in an institution's activities, have strong relationships with other residents of the institution and are integrated into the life of the community of the institution. When elderly, old people have a "rejection fear" motive it’s more difficult for them to adapt to the institution, they are less satisfied with their life, reluctant to participate in organized activities, have no strong links with other residents of the institution, and so on. Taking into account the results of this study, social workers working in a care institution should pay attention to the subject of the motivation of affiliations and their impact on adaptation, to include measures to promote adaptation in the planning of social services (“Who is who” stand, thematic photo stands and individual brochures, Discussion Group method, etc.). |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Aktualios visuomenės senėjimo tendencijos sąlygoja stacionarių socialinių paslaugų plėtros poreikį. Vis daugiau pagyvenusių, senų žmonių apgyvendinami globos įstaigose, dauguma jų susiduria su adaptacijos naujoje vietoje sunkumais. Socialinis darbuotojas – esminis specialistas, organizuojantis, teikiantis socialines paslaugas bei tiesiogiai dirbantis su globos įstaigoje gyvenančiais asmenimis. Jam ypatingai svarbu suprasti koks yra asmenybinis kiekvieno jo kliento – pagyvenusio, seno žmogaus potencialas. Įvertinus asmenybinį klientų potencialą, svarbu tinkamai panaudoti globos įstaigos socialinį potencialą - vystant adaptaciją globos įstaigose skatinančias socialinio užimtumo programas. |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
other |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Socialinis darbas, socialinis darbuotojas, socialinės paslaugos, pagyvenęs žmogus, senas žmogus, socialinė adaptacija, motyvacija, afiliacijos motyvacija |
en_US |
dc.title |
Pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių, gyvenančių socialinės globos įstaigoje, adaptacijos ypatumai |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Peculiarities of Adaptation of Elderly and Old People Living in a Social Care Institution |
en_US |
dc.type |
Other |
en_US |