Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo paaiškinta kas yra galvos skausmas, aprašiau galvos skausmo klasifikaciją ir galvos skausmo gydymą.
Nustatyta kokius dažniausiai vaistus vartoja gyventojai prasidėjus galvos skausmui, kokie papildomai simptomai kankina, kaip farmacijos specialistas geba padėti pacientams.
Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 49 psl. 40 bibliografinių šaltinių
Theme of profession bachelor thesis: Population opinion on medicine usage against headaches. Relevance of the topic: One of the most common nervous system disorders is headache and it is frustrating almost every second person in the world. First of all for a successful healing of headache the determination of exact diagnosis is needed. Secondly, evaluation of severity for particular patient takes place as attacks might be different in intensity and frequency and that is why different treatments are prescribed. The third thing is patient knowledge about the treatment and what results can be reached and expected during the treatment. Purpose: To reveal population opinion about medicine usage against headaches. Tasks: 1.To explain headache syndrome in theory 2.To describe headache classification and treatment. 3.To reveal population opinion about medicine usage against headaches. Research methods: the research was performed using written questionnaire survey. The questionnaire consists of 17 closed and 1 open questions. 314 residents of Kėdainiai city participated in survey. The results of the study were processed with Microsoft excel. Research results: only two residents of 314 surveyed persons responded that they did not have headache. More than a half of residents that suffers from headaches does not know exact diagnosis of headache. Those who know the exact diagnosis of headache suffers from migraine, less part is suffering from tension headache, there were no surveyed person who had cluster headache. Nature of type, localization and pain duration of headache were various and most of them corresponded to literature analysis. The most popular medicine against headache is NSAIDS and analgesics. As a third medicine choice are triptans that are used for TH and migraine patients’ treatment. Psycholeptics, histamine analogues, and psychoanaleptics are the rarest medicines. In addition to the prescribed treatment residents usually do not use anything and almost all of them are buying medicine in pharmacies, on the other hand, there were some who buys them in bazaar. More than a half or residents responded that pharmaceutical specialist provides information about usage of medicine. Conclusions: 1.Headache – one of the most common people complain. 2.The main headaches are migraine and TH, CH, IH, PH. As a first choice for a treatment is NSAIDS or analgesics. Next, each headache is followed by a different treatment (benzodiazepines, triptans, diuretics, antiemetics and ect.) 3. The most popular medicines against headaches between residents are NSAIDS and analgetics. As a third choice medicine are triptans that are used for TH and migraine patients’. Psycholeptics, histamine analogues, and psychoanaleptics are the rarest medicines.