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Natūralios kilmės stimuliuojančių odą šveitiklių, su baltuoju Anapos ir žydruoju Kambrijos moliu, gamybos technologija ir kokybės vertinimas

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dc.contributor.author Lengvinaitė, Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-27T10:40:28Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-27T10:40:28Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1716
dc.description Palinauskiene (2014) says, that it is important to know, that skin is inseparable from our organism and its functions. Main and almost important its function is to protect. Healthy skin has an even color and surface, it is elastic, stretchy, normal humidity, without signs of diseases and does not shine. Also, it is important that the skin does not peel. Friedmann, Vick and Mishra (2017) says, that cellulite – is a cosmetic disorder, when on the skin appears pits, flaking or “orange- peel”. As dermatologists, Hexsel and Mazzuco (2013), claim, that around 85-90% of women, older than 20 years, are convinced, that has cellulite. The aim of research: Produce and evaluate the effectiveness and quality of manufactured scrubs for cellulite damaged skin. The tasks of research: 1. Reveal components of the composition by separating the ingredients of natural origin and prepare scrubs production technology scheme. 2. Evaluate scrubs pH values. 3. Determine the effect of temperature on the stability of the produced scrubs during the “heating – cooling” cycle. 4. Review the results of the evaluation of organoleptic results. The methods: Preparing bachelor thesis, an analysis of scientific literature has been done, 3 natural scrubs were made, to stimulate the skin damaged by cellulite. Their organoleptic features were evaluated. Also, qualitative studies of pH and stability were performed. The results: During the studies, it was found that all the scrubs matched the pH test limits for cosmetic products. In the “heating – cooling” cycle, study shows, that products were not stable. The scrub with orange scent were most liked by the respondents. Conclusions: 1. Many medicinal plants are rich for their stimulating properties for cellulite damaged skin. 2. The pH test results of scrubs base and formed 3 scrubs showed that the pH of all samples was from 5,8 to 6,2 and matched the recommended pH range for cosmetics (p <0,05). 3. The “heating – cooling” cycle test showed, that products were not stable. 4. Using qualitative research method, it was found that junipers scent scrub, according to the results, was the most unliked, it was due to the smell. The most liked scrub – orange scent. en_US
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo apžvelgta šveitiklių gamybos technologija, jų rūšys. Taip pat, pristatytas odos kosmetinis susirgimas – celiulitas, jo priežastys, gydymas, laipsniai bei tipai. Sumodeliuoti 3 skirtingi šveitikliai celiulito paveiktai odai. Ištirtos jų organoleptinės savybės, pH reikšmės bei stabilumas. Apibendrinant darbą pateiktos išvados. Darbą apimti - 47 lapai, 52 – naudotos literatūros šaltiniai, 8 lentelės bei 19 paveikslų. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Šveitikliai, gamybos technologija, kokybės vertinimas en_US
dc.title Natūralios kilmės stimuliuojančių odą šveitiklių, su baltuoju Anapos ir žydruoju Kambrijos moliu, gamybos technologija ir kokybės vertinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Technology and Quality Assessment of Natural Origin Stimulating Skin Scrubs, with White Clay of Anapa and Blue Clay of Cumbria en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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