DSpace talpykla

Pacientų nešiojančių dantų kapas, burnos sveikata

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dc.contributor.author Jucaitytė, Augustė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-16T12:21:42Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-16T12:21:42Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/170
dc.description Augustė Jucaitytė, (Oral Hygiene Education Program) conducted a study „Health of the mouth of people wearing tetth aligners“; Study leader dr. Aušra Kepenė; Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Oral Health Cathedral. Kaunas; 2018. The aim: To assess the health of the mouth by carrying a straightening and bleaching tooth trays. Objectives of the study: 1. To explain what is mouth health and its care. 2. To give an overview about malocclusions, orthodontic anomalies and orthodontic devices and its care. 3. To compare mouth health while wearing straightening and whitening trays. Research – 107 respondents attended the research. Of whom 97 were women and 10 men. Methods: It was conducted an online survey The questionnaire contained 26 questions. The questionnaire was anonymous, answers were given for a summary. Answers summarized using Microsoft Excel 2010 program. Result: Research revealed that majority of the research attendants whitens their teeth once a year at home while choosing whitening tooth paste or whitening trays. Tooth sensitivity appeared right after wearing whitening cap for some of the attendants, for others, few hours after the procedure and lasted for couple of hours mostly. Also, according to the research data, we can see that the majority of patients who started wearing straightening aligners, began to accumulate soft, and tough dental plaque, bad breath, gum sensitivity and bleeding, also damage to the oral membrane occurred to the majority of the research participants after wearing a aligners. Conclusions: A questionnaire survey revealed that when carrying a straightening and whitening trays, the oral health of the respondents is not very good, as most patients have developed teeth sensitivity, began to accumulate more soft and hard teeth plaque, gum sensitivity and bleeding, also damage to the oral membrane occurred. en
dc.description.abstract Darbe atskleidžiama burnos sveikata ir jos priežiūra. Aprašomas dantų sąkandžius, ortodontines anomalijos bei ortodontinius aparatus ir jų priežiūrą. Palyginama burnos sveikata nešiojant tiesinimo bei balinimo kapas en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Burnos higiena, dantų kapos, balinimo kapos, tiesinimo kapos, burnos sveikata en_US
dc.title Pacientų nešiojančių dantų kapas, burnos sveikata en_US
dc.title.alternative Health of the mouth of people wearing tetth aligners en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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