dc.contributor.author |
Bakienė, Jurgita |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-06-26T11:17:13Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-06-26T11:17:13Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-06-18 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1701 |
dc.description |
Relevance of the topic. Physical disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting the interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives. Disability can result his or her personality change - at least partially collapses, changes daily life and begins to change even the most important values. Social roles are changing. Social roles oblige a person as a family member, parent, at work as a team member his/ her special silks, these responsibilities are important not just personally, but for other like family members, friends colleagues. Therefore, it is very important to reveal psychosocial problems of people with physical disability in order to create a favorable psychosocial environment for people with disabilities to seek independence in order to live in dignity in the community. Aim of the research: To reveal the psychosocial problems of individuals with physical disabilities. Subject matter of the research: psychosocial problems of persons with physical disability. Question of the research: What are the psychosocial problems of the persons with the physical disabilities Method of the research: Quantitative - questionnaire survey method was chosen for empirical research. The participants were members of the organizations of the disabled (Kaunas disabled recreation and sports club, “Santaka”) who had physical disability. 33 persons participated in the research. Findings of the study: The results of the study revealed that there is still a lack of environmental adaptation for people with physical disabilities. The public attitude to the disability is one of the major problems. For this reason, there are many psychosocial problems related to employment, education, leisure and active social life. For the disabled, the family, both as a full-fledged phenomenon and as a support for self-sufficiency, is very important. According to the majority of respondents, the family members they live with (parents, spouses) help them to cope with household problems. This research has shown that the vast majority of people with physical disabilities never seek help from social workers if they are unable to find the right information, find a solution, advice and help first in an informal group. The majority of respondents believe that public attitudes towards people with physical disabilities are improving, especially among young people, and by the influence of the European Union. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Žmogui įgijus negalią, jo asmenybė pradeda keistis – ji bent dalinai sugriūna, pasikeičia kasdienis gyvenimas bei pradeda kisti vertybės, pasikeičia socialiniai vaidmenys. Socialiniai vaidmenys įpareigoja žmogų atlikti nuolatinius veiksmus, įprasminančius jo būtį ne tik dėl savęs, bet ir dėl kitų – tai vaidmenys šeimoje, darbe, kuriame jis praleidžia didelę laiko dalį ar kitoje aplinkoje, kurioje leidžia savo laisvą laiką. Visuomenės narių nesugebėjimas suprasti neįgalių asmenų poreikių lemia neįgaliųjų socialinę atskirtį, todėl labai svarbu atskleisti su kokiomis psichosocialinėmis problemomis susiduria asmenys, įgiję fizinę negalią, kad būtų galima sudaryti palankią psichosocialinę aplinką neįgaliesiems siekti savarankiškumo, kad galėtų oriai gyventi bendruomenėje. |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
other |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Negalia, įgyta negalia, įgimta negalia, psichosocialinės problemos, socialinis darbas, socialinis darbuotojas, socialinės paslaugos |
en_US |
dc.title |
Asmenų, įgijusių fizinę negalią, psichosocialinės problemos |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Psychosocial Problems of Individuals with Physical Disabilities |
en_US |
dc.type |
Other |
en_US |