dc.contributor.author |
Žemaitytė, Greta |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-06-26T10:37:44Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-06-26T10:37:44Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-06-13 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1696 |
dc.description |
The relevance of the topic: The chosen topic of the work is relevant because the number of the people who have Parkinson‘s disease is increasing and the age of the sick people is decreasing. It is usual in our society to think, that people who have Parkinson‘s disease are not able to move, they are shaking and have to stay at home all the time. But despite this disease, a person desires to be useful, and necessary not only for himself but for others too. It is important for the person that the free-time would not be spent for nothing but spent properly, especially if it can help their health. Therefore, it is important, that the sick would find an occupation group in which they could be able to self-realize and express themselves. The aim of this work: To reveal the importance of the occupation groups to the people who have Parkinson‘s disease. The object of the work: The importance of the occupation groups to the people who have Parkinson‘s disease. The question of the research: How big is the importance of the occupation groups to the people who have Parkinson‘s disease. The method of the research: Qualitative research. This particular method of the research have been chosen considering that it gave one the possibility to communicate with a person face to face, and if there was some uncertainty, the person was able to make sure if the question was understood correctly. What is more, there was the opportunity to the investigator of the research to ask again or to find out what exactly the subject of the research meant in case of miss-understanding. By talking with a person face to face it is more easier to make interrelation that allows to the respondent to relax and not to feel any tension. The six of the respondents were asked 19 questions that were prepared in advance. By making this research one had to participate in the occupation groups’ activity more than once. Insights of the research: The qualitative research revealed that the importance of the occupation groups to the people who have Parkinson‘s disease includes various factors such as the discovery of the occupation groups, hobbies, physical possibilities, interrelationships, the attention of the relatives, provided social services. The expression of life meaning, free-time, the good experience provided by the occupation groups are the basic things that encourages the people who have Parkinson‘s disease not to shut themselves off, to participate in the activity of the occupation groups, and by doing it to give a sense of themselves. All the respondents of the research claimed that participation in the activity of the occupation groups provides great benefits, and that it is a nice alternative to the social activity and what is more it helps a person to maintain the social relationships. The participation in the occupation groups, the maintenance of the everyday skills, meaningful activity, learning, creativity - are the components of life that enables the person to feel the meaning of life, to have positive emotions, to concentrate the strength and not to give up when facing difficulties of life. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Pasirinkta darbo tema šiomis dienomis yra aktuali, nes susirgimų Parkinsono liga vis labiau daugėja, o šia liga susergančių žmonių amžius jaunėja. Mūsų visuomenėje priimta manyti, kad jei žmogus serga tai jis yra nereikalingas ir negali dalyvauti socialiniame gyvenime. Bet nepaisant šios ligos, žmogus nori būti naudingas, reikalingas ne tik sau, bet ir kitiems. Jam svarbu, kad laisvas laikas nebūtų praleistas veltui, o išnaudotas tinkamai, ypač jei tai gali padėti jų sveikatai. Todėl svarbu, kad sergantieji atrastų tokias užimtumo grupes, kuriose galėtų realizuoti ir išreikšti save. |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
other |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Parkinsono liga, poreikis, senyvo amžiaus asmuo, socialinės paslaugos, socialinis darbas, socialinis darbuotojas, sociokultūrinis darbas, užimtumas |
en_US |
dc.title |
Užimtumo grupių svarba asmenims sergantiems Parkinsono liga |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Importance of Occupational Groups for People with Parkinson’s Disease |
en_US |
dc.type |
Other |
en_US |