DSpace talpykla

Socialinių paslaugų poreikis moterims krizinio nėštumo metu

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dc.contributor.author Savickaitė, Agnė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-26T07:18:53Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-26T07:18:53Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-13
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1690
dc.description Relevance of the topic - According to the data of the Department of Statistics of Lithuania (2018), almost one third of all married couples were divorced, often leaving a woman alone to raise a child. And while pregnancy in the family should be a great grace, women find themselves in crisis situations. According to Obelenienė and Krunglevičiūtė (2013) in Lithuania, crisis pregnancy is a little and not fully investigated problem. It is not clear what a woman's need for help is during a crisis pregnancy, there is the lack of research to justify it. According to the data of the Department of Statistics of Lithuania the number of abortions decreased by half in 10 years (2008 - 2018). However, the share of mothers with various risks increased. And though, the state protect and support families, it is not enough for women. In order to provide social assistance to women during crisis pregnancy a social worker determines what social services they lack. The aim of the research: to determine the need for social services for women during the crisis pregnancy. The subject matter of the research: The need for social services for women during crisis pregnancy. Research question: What is the need for social services for women during crisis pregnancy? Research method: Quantitative research. Anonymous survey was conducted at Kaunas “Kartu namai” and Vilkaviškis District Social Services Center. 45 women were invited to participate in the study, 14 of whom refused to complete the questionnaire. Response rate is 68.8 percent. The questionnaire consisted of 19 questions - 11 closed, 7 semi-closed, and one open question. The computer software SPSS for Windows 10 and Excel was used for data analysis. The results of the research: The majority of women (58.1%, n = 18) indicated that they needed a social service for informing them 1-2 times a week. After analyzing the data on general social services received, respondents identified the need for information in managing documents (child care, care issues, home services) (38.7%, n = 12), and referral issues (41.9%, n = 13) which refer to what specialist or body to seek help. The minimum need for women to get socio-cultural services is 35.5 percent (n = 11) never calls, and 41.9 percent (n = 13) women apply only 1-2 times per semester. 80.6 percent respondents said they were satisfied with the social services provided by the social worker. Conclusions: Based on the scientific literature analyzed and the research conducted, it has been found that the range of social services for women experiencing crisis pregnancy is wide. Information and counseling services are the most important in providing general social services. And temporary accommodations at self-education homes are not required for all women - usually when they go to another city for social services. In order to overcome the crisis, not only social services are relevant to women, but also human needs - a sense of security, support for loved ones, respect and listening. en
dc.description.abstract Remiantis Lietuvos statistikos departamento duomenimis (2018 m.) iš visų susituokusių porų beveik trečdalis išsiskyrė, dėl to dažnai moteris lieka viena auginti vaiką. Ir nors nėštumas šeimoje turėtų būti didelė malonė, moterims tenka atsidurti krizinio nėštumo situacijose. Pasak Obelenienės ir Krunglevičiūtės (2013 m.) Lietuvoje krizinis nėštumas yra mažai ir ne iki galo ištyrinėta problema. Nėra išsiaiškinta, koks yra moters pagalbos poreikis krizinio nėštumo metu, trūksta tyrimų tam pagrįsti. Lietuvos statistikos departamento duomenimis, per 10 metų (2008 – 2018m.) abortų skaičius sumažėjo per pusę. Tačiau didėjo gimdyvių su įvairia rizika dalis. Ir nors valstybė globoja šeimas ir teikia joms paramą, moterims to neužtenka. Siekiant teikti socialinę pagalbą moterims krizinio nėštumo metu socialinis darbuotojas nustato, kokių socialinių paslaugų joms trūksta en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Krizė; krizinis nėštumas; abortas; persileidimas; socialinė globa; socialinės paslaugos; smurtas; socialinė parama; socialinė aplinka en_US
dc.title Socialinių paslaugų poreikis moterims krizinio nėštumo metu en_US
dc.title.alternative Need for Social Services for Women During Crisis Pregnancy en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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