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Relevance of the topic: Nowadays the reform of the child care system is a very relevant issue in modern society. One direction of this reform is institutional care transformation, the purpose of which is to move from institutional child care to care in families and community-based services for children with disabilities and those without parental care. According to the data of the Official Statistics Portal of the Republic of Lithuania (2019), in 2017 2402 children were under guardianship. The guardianship in families was established for 1228 children, whereas 806 children were under the guardianship in state (county) and municipal child care homes. Although the legislation has established that children who have lost parental care are provided with institutional care only in extreme cases, statistics show that the number of children in care institutions is still very high. However, the establishment of community-based child care homes has started as a result of the institutional reform of child care, which aims to create conditions that enable children to grow and develop in a family-friendly way. The establishment of new community care homes also required changes in the reorganization of social workers and defining the functions, positions and regulations governing their work. Problem of the research: what kind of activities social workers do in community – based care home. The subject matter of the research: activities of social workers working in communitybased child care homes. Research question: what kind of activities social workers do in community-based care homes. Research method: qualitative research, semi – structured interview method. Three social workers were interviewed during the study, who work in community-based child care homes. Having received the data from interview, the analysis has been performed. Research result and conclusions: the research helped to analyse activities, which are performed by social workers who work in community-based child care homes. The main activities, which are performed by social workers are: organizing free time and occupation, developing selfreliance and other social skills, collaborating with various institutions, cooking and performing other household tasks. Social workers are also trying to meet the needs of all children, to ensure a safe and positive environment, enabling children to participate in community activities. The research showed that social workers working in community-based child care homes perform duties
as family assistants. While working with children, they use individual and group social work methods. They also face a variety of challenges, such as misbehaviour of children, negative attitude from the society, domestic problems, and ignorance of how to behave, in some difficult situations. The results of the research showed that social workers have to work with the police, children's rights, school, ward, health care institutions. To ensure the readiness of social workers to work in community-based childcare homes, social workers often get opportunities to improve their qualifications, they are offered various courses, trainings, seminars and lectures. |
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Šiuo metu vaikų globos sistemos pertvarka labai aktuali tema šiuolaikinės visuomenės kontekste. Viena iš šios pertvarkos krypčių yra institucinės globos pertvarka, kuria siekiama pereiti nuo institucinės globos prie šeimoje ir bendruomenėje teikiamų paslaugų neįgaliesiems ir likusiems be tėvų globos vaikams. Lietuvos Respublikos oficialios statistikos portalo duomenimis (2019), 2017 metais 2402 vaikams buvo nustatyta globa, iš jų 1228 vaikams buvo nustatyta globa šeimoje, 806 vaikams globa nustatyta valstybės (apskričių) ir savivaldybių vaikų globos namuose. Nors teisės aktuose įtvirtinta, kad vaikams netekusiems tėvų globos, institucinė globa nustatoma tik kraštutiniais atvejais, tačiau statistikos duomenys rodo, kad dar labai didelis vaikų skaičius auga globos institucijose. Tačiau prasidėjus institucinei vaikų globos pertvarkai pradėti steigti bendruomeniniai vaikų globos namai, kuriuose siekiama sudaryti tokias sąlygas, kad vaikai galėtų augti ir sveikai vystytis šeimos modelio principu. Pokyčiai vaikų globos srityje, naujų bendruomeninių vaikų globos namų steigimas pareikalavo ir pokyčių pertvarkant socialinių darbuotojų pareigybes bei apibrėžiant jų darbą reguliuojančias funkcijas, pareigybes ir nuostatus. |
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