dc.contributor.author |
Mockaitytė, Vita |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-06-25T12:45:09Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-06-25T12:45:09Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-06-13 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1685 |
dc.description |
Relevance of the work: In modern society, and especially in European countries, a lot of attention is paid to the reintegration of convicts, which starts in prison and continues until the person returning from the place of imprisonment successfully adapts to the surrounding social environment. For Lithuanian society, this is a new approach to the sentenced person, to his adaptability to work, to learn and to create social welfare. Correctional specialists say that people in prison should be getting more opportunities to engage in work and social activities. This is the aspect that a social worker that works in the prison and deals with young people serving a sentence has to take care of. However, the necessary role of the social worker in promoting and achieving the best quality of social reintegration is not discussed enough. The aim of the work: to find out the roles of social worker in preparing young people, who are serving a sentence in remand prison and correction house, for social reintegration into society. The object of the work: social worker and his roles in preparing young people, who are serving a sentence in remand prison and correction house, for social reintegration into society. The question of research: what are the roles of a social worker in preparing young people, who are serving a sentence in remand prison and correction house, for social reintegration into society? The research methods: method of quantitative research using questionnaire survey. Conclusions: the results of the research have shown that young people want to improve, meaning that they want to gain an education or profession. In order for a convicted person to successfully adapt to a constantly modernizing society after returning from prison, it is necessary to use the various roles of social workers. The research revealed that the most important roles of a social worker are: consultant, motivator, teacher, mediator and organizer of leisure activities. Research analysis has shown that most of the convicts have the support of a social worker through their interaction with relatives, other staff in the institution, and other individuals serving the sentence, which contributes to a more successful functioning of the reintegration process. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje, ypač Europos valstybėse, didelis dėmesys skiriamas nuteistųjų reintegracijai, kuri prasideda įkalinimo įstaigoje ir tęsiasi tol, kol asmuo, grįžęs iš laisvės atėmimo vietos, sėkmingai adaptuojasi jį supančioje socialinėje aplinkoje. Lietuvos visuomenei tai naujas požiūris į nuteistą asmenį, į jo prisitaikymo galimybes dirbti, mokytis ir susikurti socialinį gerbūvį. Pataisos įstaigų specialistai teigia, kad laisvės atėmimo įstaigose esantiems asmenims reikia suteikti daugiau galimybių įsitraukti į darbinę ir visuomeninę veiklą. Būtent šiuo dalyku su bausmę atliekančiais jaunuoliais, rūpinasi socialinis darbuotojas, dirbantis įkalinimo įstaigoje. Tačiau apie būtinus socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenis, skatinant ir siekiant kuo geresnės socialinės reintegracijos kokybės, kalbama mažai. |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
other |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Socialinis darbuotojas, bausmė, probuojamasis, reintegracija, probacija |
en_US |
dc.title |
Socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenys ruošiant jaunuolius, atliekančius bausmę tardymo izoliatoriuje - pataisos namuose, socialinei reintegracijai į visuomenę |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Roles of a Social Worker while Preparing Young People, who Serve a Sentence in Remand Prison and Correction House, for Social Reintegration into Society |
en_US |
dc.type |
Other |
en_US |