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It is difficult to imagine life in these times, which are inseparable from the technology, without the ever-present electronic devices, not only at home, but also in the work environment. Most workers in industrial sectors have to work with tools or equipment that continuously emit electromagnetic radiation. One of these commonly used devices is hand-free communication system. Due to its purpose to receive and send voice data, this equipment is used on the head, which poses a risk to long-term exposure of electromagnetic radiation to the head tissue.
According to the research on the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body it can be stated that electromagnetic waves have a significant influence on a development of various diseases. Brain tumors, hearing impairment, increased risk of cancer, insomnia, high blood pressure (Larik RSA and others, 2016), these are just a few of the body's disorders that are affected by electromagnetic radiation.
The purpose of this study is to measure the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the hand-free communication system and the specific absorption rate of simulated head tissue using a head phantom model. In this study following tasks were pursued: to describe scientific and subject literature on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body; to measure electromagnetic radiation emitted by a hand-free communication system and the specific absorption rate of simulated head tissue using a head phantom model and to estimate the factors that determine the regularity of the specific absorption rate, depending on the mode that a headset is used in.
This bachelor study consists of literary and empirical research results analysis. Literature section reviews research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health, its thermal effects and hand-free headset specifications. Empirical study used a phantom model consisting of 0,7 cm in thickness glass simulating human skull and gelatin simulating head tissue. Both materials with their densities corresponded to the average human head structure. Measurements were done by placing a layer after layer of 1 cm gelatin in a simulated head model to observe the depth of radiation penetration. Each measurement was measured three times with an overall average. Specific absorption rate was calculated using SAR equation. 10 different manufacturers hand-free headsets have been measured in listening and speaking modes.
The study revealed that the values of the specific absorption rate were, in almost all cases, higher when using the hand-free communication system in speaking mode. The obtained SAR values in most cases exceeded the set limit by 1.7 cm depth or did not exceed the limit at all. The study found that variability of SAR values is influenced by different manufacturers, distance from the base station, position of the antenna in the headset and the stability of the connection |
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dc.description.abstract |
Bakalaurinį darbą sudaro literatūrinė ir empirinio tyrimų rezultatų analizės. Literatūrinėje dalyje apžvelgiami moksliniai tyrimai apie elektromagnetinės spinduliuotės poveikį žmogaus sveikatai, terminis jos poveikis ir laisvų rankų įrangos specifika. Empirinis tyrimas buvo atliekamas naudojant pasigamintą galvos fantomo modelį, kurį sudarė medžiagos savo tankiais atitinkančios žmogaus galvos audinius. Matavimai buvo atliekami vis dedant po 1 cm storio želatinos sluoksnį į imituotą galvos modelį, taip stebint spinduliuotės prasiskverbimo gylį. Kiekvienas matavimas buvo atliekamas tris kartus, išvedant bendrą vidurkį. Specifinė sugertis buvo apskaičiuojama pagal SAR formulę. Išmatuota 10 skirtingų gamintojų laisvų rankų įrangų, šioms veikiant klausymosi ir kalbėjimo režimais |
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