Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo aprašyta salicilo rūgštis, kaip vaistinė medžiaga ir jos savybės, ricinos aliejaus panaudojimo galimybės bei aprašytos emulsija, kaip vaisto forma ir jų stabilumas. Nustatyta hipromeliozės tirpalo koncentracijos įtaka emulsijų stabilumui. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus tyrimą – eksperimentą buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 38 psl. 18 bibliografinių šaltinių
Relevance. Salicylic acid belongs to a group of medicines called keratolytics. Therefore, this acid
is often used in dermatology due to its keratolytic, keratoplastic, antifungal and antimicrobial effects.
Emulsions are a system of two immiscible liquids, widely used in pharmacy and dermatology. Naturally,
emulsions are unstable and therefore require an emulsifier that provides stability to this formulation.
Although castor oil is the most well-known, because of its leaching properties and its use for beauty
purposes, it is well suited as a disperse phase of emulsions, because castor oil in emulsion form works
faster and more effectively. Aim of the work - To model salicylic acid emulsion a / v and determine the
effect of hypromellose on emulsion stability. Tasks: 1. To theoretically describe emulsions as
pharmaceutical forms and their stabilization by increasing the viscosity of the medium. 2. To determine
the stability of emulsions by stratification, redispersion, pH value, microstructure and organoleptic
properties. 3. To evaluate the influence of hypromellose and its concentration on the stability of produced
experimental emulsions.
Methods. In this work the analysis of scientific literature was carried out, research has been made
on the effect of hypromellose solution concentration on salicylic acid emulsion a / v.
Results. The stability index, microstructure, pH value, and viscosity during the observation
period were found to be insignificant at room temperature (15-25 ℃) and at 4 ⁰C for 30 days.
1. Modeled emulsions can be salicylic acid dermatological carriers.
2. Hypromellose influenced all investigated physical and physicochemical indicators of test emulsions.
To ensure the stability of the physical and physico-chemical characteristics of the emulsion, stabilizing
agents that increase viscosity can be used.
3. Hypromellose stabilized salicyl r. emulsion; the higher the concentration of hypromellose, the more
stable the emulsion compared to the non-stabilizer emulsion.