DSpace talpykla

Moterų patirtys įsigyjant ir vartojant geriamąsias skubiosios kontraceptines priemones

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Kivaraitė, Roberta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-19T07:57:39Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-19T07:57:39Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1618
dc.description Relevance of the topic. Effective methods of contraception are available in many countries around the world, but unplanned pregnancies still remain as a problem. The causes of unintended pregnancy are the inadequate or incomplete use of contraception ( failed contraception measure , missed or delayed hormonal contraceptive pill), sexual abuse and unsafe sexual intercourse. Emergency contraception - helps prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex (Massa et al., 2017). Emergency contraceptives are often surrounded by myths, controversy, and misconceptions. Therefore, it is important to give the right knowledge and to form the right approach to the acquisition and use of emergency contraceptives (Cameron, Li, GemzellDanielsson, 2017) Purpose of the study. Reveal the women emergency contraceptive experiences of acquisition and use. Research tasks: 1. To review the possible contraceptive measures, the benefits of the use of emergency contraceptive pills and the negative impact on the body. 2. Theoretically explain the importance of a pharmaceutical specialist consultation for patients, who acquires medication of emergency contraception in a pharmacy. 3. Discover the experience of purchasing and consuming emergency contraceptives for women. In this study, the analysis of scientific literature was carried out, 128 women were interviewed by using the questionnaire survey method in the X pharmacy in Alytus city. The study summarized the age of respondents, the attitude towards emergency contraception, sources of information that help to find out about contraceptives, the benefits of a pharmaceutical service provided by a pharmaceutical specialist, respondents' opinion on side effects, factors that determine the use of emergency contraceptives. Conclusions. 1. Contraceptives can be very effective, effective and less effective. When occurs unprotected sexual intercourse or contraception failure, emergency contraception is an effective measure of preventing unintended pregnancy. However, as with all medicines, they cause adverse reactions during use, one of the main cause being nausea, headache, fatigue and irregularity of the menstrual cycle. 2. The key role of a pharmaceutical specialists, in patients acquiring emergency contraceptives, is to provide consultation to the patient to obtain complete and comprehensible information. Consultations provided by pharmaceutical specialists can prevent emergency contraceptives difficulties such as lack of information, lack of confidentiality, improve correct use and contributing to the positive outcome of the problem. 3. The study revealed that 6 women tend to use emergency contraceptives with levonorgestrel active substances, half of them use this medicine as emergency measues, others – because of a variety of other reasons: quarter use because they forgot to take hormonal contraception pill, the fifth part to take precautions against transmitted diseases. Half of respondents experienced menstrual disorders. Information about emergency contraception usually provided by doctors, forums or articles found online. Only one third of the respondents read all the information in the package leaflet. In more than half of the respondents, the pharmaceutical specialist does not advise that the medicine does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, does not seek advice on the frequency of use, does not ask what drugs are being used at that time, does not recommend visiting a doctor. Responding to the need for emergency contraceptives, respondents mention inducing factors: acquisition of emergency contraceptives without a prescription, purchase of emergency contraceptives at a pharmacy, consultation with a pharmacy specialist (moda - 5). The main obstacles for acquiring emergency contraceptives are the lack of information and confidentiality, the cost of emergency contraceptives, the presence of acquaintances in the purchase of emergency contraceptives (moda-5). en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo pateiktos kontracepcijos metodai ir priemonės, skubiųjų kontraceptikų vartojama nauda ir neigiamas poveikis organizmui. Aprašyta farmacijos specialistų konsultacijos reikšmė pacientams, įsigyjant skubiuosius kontraceptikus. Nustatytos moterų patirtys įsigyjant ir vartojant geriamąsias skubiosios kontracepcijos priemones. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 49 psl. 42 bibliografiniai šaltiniai en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Geriamoji skubioji kontracepcija, patirtys en_US
dc.title Moterų patirtys įsigyjant ir vartojant geriamąsias skubiosios kontraceptines priemones en_US
dc.title.alternative Women's Experience in Purchasing and Consuming Oral Emergency Contraceptives Products en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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