dc.contributor.author |
Leščinskaitė, Laurita |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-06-19T06:54:56Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-06-19T06:54:56Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1614 |
dc.description |
The adherence to prescription drugs for patients with insomnia. By Laurita Leščinskaitė. Professional bachelor thesis. Supervisor Dr. Jurgita Daukšienė. Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, Departament of Pharmacy Techniques, Kaunas, 2019. The aim of the research is to determine the adherence to prescription drugs for patients with insomnia and to identify impacting factors. The tasks of the research – to explain the origin, reasons, diagnostics and treatment of insomnia by clinically-based algorithms and methodology of treatment. Moreover, to reveal the conception of adherence and importance of pharmacy specialist in that process, by clinically-based results, to determine how pharmacy patients is adherent by their characteristics. Also, to determine social, economic and clinical factors affecting adherence of the patients. Methodology of the research. Data of the research were collected from community pharmacy patients using anonymous questionnaire during 2019 March 4th to 2019 April 23th in the final practice of studies of pharmacy techniques. Community pharmacy patients were chosen by their given prescriptions of drugs for insomnia treatment. Statistical data of the research performed using IBM SPSS 17.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2016. Data of the research submitted by tables and diagrams and demonstrated in bachelor thesis in general. Results. 80 patients participated in the study. 45% were adherent by carrying out instructions given by the physician. Adherent patients had significantly more information from health care specialist and this is statistically-based. Patients were non-adherent in discontinuing the treatment. There is no significant statistically-based reference between sociodemographic parameters and adherence. 53,8% of population uses drugs for insomnia more than 24 months. 56,3% of patients which had side effects continued the treatment. This reveals that majority of the patients are not liable to adjust the treatment. Conclusions. Insomnia is called central nervous system disease, which evidences as changes of sleep quality and quantity. Pharmacy specialist acts significant role as forming adherence of insomnia patients. The major problem which decreases the adherence is too long intake of prescription drugs for insomnia. Physician and pharmacy specialist should support each other solving problems of drug application. Keywords: insomnia, adherence, benzodiazepines, addiction, drug abuse. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo aiškinama nemigos kilmė, priežastys, diagnostika ir gydymas. Atskleista, kas yra vaistų vartojimo drausmingumas ir kokią įtaką jam daro farmacijos specialistas.
Nustatytas gyventojų, vartojančių receptinius vaistinius preparatus nuo nemigos, drausmingumas ir pateiktos pagrindinės vaistų vartojimo problemos. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą ir atlikus kiekybinio tyrimo duomenų analizę buvo suformuluotos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai (teorinė ir empirinė dalys), išvados, praktinės rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai (tyrimo instrumentas-anketa). Darbo apimtis – 56 psl. Darbe panaudotas 41 bibliografinis šaltinis. |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
other |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Nemiga,drausmingumas,benzodiazepinai,priklausomybė, piktnaudžiavimas (psichotropiniais) vaistiniais preparatais |
en_US |
dc.title |
Gyventojų drausmingumas, vartojant receptinius vaistinius preparatus nemigai gydyti |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Population Discipline in Consumption of Prescription Drugs for Insomnia |
en_US |
dc.type |
Other |
en_US |