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Relevance of the work. Vitamin D is one of the most important elements in maintaining the body‘s healthy state, which is obtained through natural synthesis in the skin, exposure to sunlight and food intake. Based on scientific evidence, the positive benefits of vitamin D to the body – support homeostasis between calcium and phosphorus and promote bone mineralization. Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, reduces: the risk of cardiovascular, oncological, type 1 diabetes, respiratory diseases, affects the risk of falling older people. In case of vitamin D deficiency, both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 may be used, depending on the amount of vitamin D deficiency found in the body. Preventive doses of vitamin D should be given to anyone who has too little vitamin from natural sources, has kidney disease, high cardiovascular risk, is eldery, during pregnancy, after giving birth, newborns, vegetarians. The purpose of the research – reveal the public‘s attitudes towards vit. D need in Kaunas and Klaipeda cities. Tasks: 1) Theoretically describe vit. D the importance of the human body; 2) Theoretically justified vit. D deficiency risk factors, human diagnosis, treatment and prevention; 3) Revealing the attitudes of the population towards vit. D need in Kaunas and Klaipeda cities. Methods: 1) Theoretical. Analysis of scientific literature to find out about vit. D sources, metabolism in the human body, vit. D deficiency risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of deficiency; 2) Emirical. Questionnaire survey, statistical analysis of research data. Characteristics of the subjects – in the survey participated 123 patients of Kaunas and 123 Klaipeda cities X pharmacy patients: men and women 18 years and over who have expressed their views on vitamin D. Research results. The results of the study revealed that a group of respondents aged 18 – 22 vit. D is not used at all. In the older group of respondents vit. D preparations are mostly chosen for prophylaxis of osteoporosis, but they are used irregularly, usually during the winter period, although in the group of all respondents who have been tested for vitamin D content, only two out of 11 respondents from Kaunas and Klaipeda studied the vit. D study in the norm. |
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dc.description.abstract |
Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo aprašyti vit. D šaltiniai, metabolizmas žmogaus organizme, vit. D trūkumo rizikos veiksniai, trūkumo diagnozavimas, gydymas, prevencija, vit. D perdozavimas, pasekmės.
Atskleistas gyventojų požiūris į vitamino D poreikį Kauno ir Klaipėdos miestuose. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, empirinio tyrimo dalis, išvados, rekomendacijos, naudotos literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 34 psl. 23 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. |
en_US |