dc.contributor.author |
Voicechovskytė, Indrė Jovilė |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-06-18T07:17:40Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-06-18T07:17:40Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-06-11 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1598 |
dc.description |
The revalence of the research. Student nutrition is an area of interest for researchers, as new lifestyle habits and skills develop during the study period. Unhealthy or even harmful habits including unhealthy diet are prevalent among students. Regular physical activity, as well as a healthy diet, prevents many chronic non-infectious diseases, positively affects a person's physical, emotional and social health.
The aim of the study. To evaluate the paculiarities of nutrition and lifestyle of students.
The methods to accomplish the aim are the following: 1. To describe the concept of nutrition, healthy and unhealthy diet and lifestyle factors among students. 2. To reveal the nutrition and lifestyle of students. 3. To exclude the nutrition and lifestyle of students.
Methods and contingent.
The study was conducted between November 2018 and April 2019. The research tool was an anonymous questionnaire consisting of 31 questions directly related to each other. Data was collected through social networks used by students. Respondents aged 18-49 completed 155 questionnaires, of which 16 were not completed correctly. The following empirical research methods have been applied: 1. Analysis of scientific literature on healthy and unfavorable nutrition and lifestyle of students. 2. Quantitative research - questionnaire survey on dietary habits and peculiarities of lifestyle of students. 3. Statistical data analysis using Microsoft Excel (2016) program.
Results and conclusions.
1. Nutrition is one of the key determinants of human health. Healthy eating has a positive effect on human health. Nutrition that is unfavorable to health is one that negatively affects a person's state of health, physical, mental capacity and the risk of chronic non-infectious diseases. 2. The majority of lifestyle habits were considered satisfactory. One-fifth of the respondents practice 3 and more times a week. Most respondents sleep less than 8 hours a day. 3. One-sixth of respondents consider their eating habits unfavorable, two-sixths favorably, three-sixths partially favorable. A significant number of respondents skip breakfast and are not interested in the composition of the food they consume. |
en_US |
dc.description.abstract |
Baigiamąjį bakalaurinį darbą sudaro dvi pagrindinės dalys. Pirmoji dalis skirta literatūros analizei, antroji – empirinio tyrimo metodui ir rezultatams.
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti studentų maitinimosi ir gyvensenos ypatumus.
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Aprašyti mitybos sampratą, sveikatai palankią ir nepalankią mitybą, studentų gyvensenos veiksnius. 2. Atskleisti studentų gyvensenos įpročius. 3. Išskirti studentų maitinimosi įpročius.
Rezultatai ir išvados:
1. Mityba yra vienas pagrindinių žmogaus sveikatą lemiančių veiksnių. Sveikatai palanki mityba teigiamai veikia žmogaus sveikatą. Sveikatai nepalanki mityba yra tokia, kuri neigiamai paveikia asmens sveikatos būklę, fizinį, protinį darbingumą bei lėtinių neinfekcinių ligų atsiradimo riziką. 2. Gyvensenos įpročius didžioji dalis vertino patenkinamai. Penktadalis respondentų sportuoja 3 ir daugiau kartų per savaitę. Dauguma respondentų miega mažiau negu 8 valandas per parą. 3. Šeštadalis respondentų savo maitinimosi įpročius vertina nepalankiai, du šeštadaliai - palankiai, trys šeštadaliai – iš dalies palankiai. Nemaža dalis respondentų praleidžia pusryčius ir nesidomi vartojamų maisto produktų sudėtimi. |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
other |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Studentai, sveikatai palanki mityba, gyvensena, maitinimasis |
en_US |
dc.title |
Studentų maitinimosi ir gyvensenos ypatumai |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Peculiarities of Students’ Nutrition and Lifestyle |
en_US |
dc.type |
Other |
en_US |