DSpace talpykla

Moterų žinios apie histerosalpingografinį tyrimą rentgenodiagnostikoje

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Skripkauskaitė, Dovilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-12T08:26:01Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-12T08:26:01Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1552
dc.description The aim is to assess women's knowledge of hysterospalping in X-ray diagnostics. In order to achieve this goal, three tasks were identified: to describe hysterosalpingographic examination and ionizing radiation; to conduct a questionnaire and reveal women's knowledge of hysterosalpingographic examination; to reveal the role of radiology technician during a hysterosalpingographic exam. The theoretical and empirical research methods were used for the purpose and objectives of the professional bachelor. The theoretical part was based on the analysis of scientific literature and the empirical method used. In the theoretical part the features of the hysterosalpingographic examination, the types of X-ray examination, ionizing radiation and short overview of hygiene requirements were analyzed. In order to implement the quantitative survey, a questionnaire was formed, consisting of 21 questions. The questions were multiple choice and short answer, which helped the respondent to express their knowledge and comments. The survey conducted between March and April 2019 involved 64 respondents. The questionnaire was distributed to patients only with the permission of health facility X and the Bioethics Center. After analyzing the results of the questionnaire, it turned out that the vast majority of the respondents had sufficient knowledge and were properly informed about the hysterosalpingographic exam and its process. Respondents said they had not received enough information on contrast media and express their wish for more information on ionizing radiation. The vast majority of respondents expressed their satisfaction with the performance of the radiology technician and described a radiology technician with positive epithets. Also, it should be added that the hysterosalpingographic examination causes unpleasant sensations to most of the respondents. A large proportion of respondents expressed anxiety and severe or mild pain in the hysterosalpingographic study. Analyzing the questionnaire, it was also noted that patients felt weakness, nausea, headache or abdominal pain after the study. The results showed that younger respondents are facing infertility problems en_US
dc.description.abstract Baigiamąją bakalaurinį darbą sudaro trys dalys, pirmoji – teorinė dalis skirta literatūros analizei, antroji – empirinio tyrimo darbo metodui ir organizavimui, trečioji – tyrimo rezultatams. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti moterų žinias apie histerosalpingografinį tyrimą rentgenodiagnostikoje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Aprašyti histerosalpingografinį tyrimą ir jonizuojančiąją spinduliuotę. 2. Įvertinti pacienčių žinias apie histerosalpingografinį tyrimą. 3. Atskleisti radiologijos technologo vaidmenį atliekant histerosalpingografinį tyrimą. Išvados ir rezultatai: mokslinės literatūros analizė atskleidė, jog histerosalpingografinis tyrimas yra vienas iš svarbiausių siekiant nustatyti nevaisingumo priežastis. Analizė parodė, jog jonizuojančioji spinduliuotė gali jonizuoti aplinką bei yra skirstoma į profesinę, medicininę bei nemedicininę gyventojų apšvitą. Išanalizavus anketinę apklausą nustatyta, jog moterų žinios apie histerosalpingografinį tyrimą yra geros bei galima daryti išvadą, jog moterys tinkamai informuotos apie tyrimą. Taip pat galima teigti, jog radiologijos technologas vykdo svarbų vaidmenį atliekant histerosalpingografinį tyrimą pradedant nuo bendravimo su pacientais, tyrimo eigos informavimu bei apsaugos ir konforto užtikrinimu tyrimo metu. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Histerosalpingografija, moterų žinios, rentgenodiagnostika en_US
dc.title Moterų žinios apie histerosalpingografinį tyrimą rentgenodiagnostikoje en_US
dc.title.alternative Women’s Knowledge about the Hysterosalpingographic Examination in X-ray Diagnostics en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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