DSpace talpykla

Fizinio aktyvumo poveikis skeleto raumenų skausmui ir psichoemocinei būklei

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Marcinonytė, Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-12T06:42:29Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-12T06:42:29Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1539
dc.description Relevance: based on 2017 data of the Lithuanian Department of Statistics only 12,2 percent of physically inactive population labeled their health well. This shows that the physically active people suffer less health problems. Therefore, it is very important to focus on improving human health through physical activity. Aim of this study: to determine the affect of physical activity for skeletal muscle pain and mental - emotional condition. Tasks of research: 1. To evaluate skeletal muscle pain before and after 3 months of physical activity. 2. To evaluate mental emotional condition before and after 3 months of physical activity. 3. To calculate connections between skeletal muscle pain and mental emotional condition. Methods of research and respondents: there were 22 physically inactive respondents who had some skeletal muscle pain and/or mental emotional condition disorder. The respondents were provided with a questionnaire for the evaluation of demographic indicators, a certified skeletal muscle pain questionnaire and a psycho-emotional state assessment questionnaire - HAD scale. After completing the questionnaires, the participants started to exercise. After 3 months of physical activity respondents completed the questionnaires again. Results analysis were produced using Excel 2016 and IMB SPSS statistics 24 programs. Results: The most common pain were in the neck, shoulders, upper back, waist and legs. After 3 months of physical activity, pain was significantly reduced in the most subjects. Statistically, significant reduction in pain, was in the neck, shoulders and waist areas. In other areas, the pain decreased slightly, but in some cases, the pain was noticeable even before it was not even felt, for example, in the upper back and legs. We did not notice serious disorders in the assessment of mental-emotional condition. Most of the subjects have had a normal mood. Mild anxiety, depression symptoms and moderate anxiety after 3 months of physical activity have disappeared completely and moderate depression have fallen to mild. Results were statistically significant. However, after calculating the relationship between skeletal muscle pain and mental-emotional condition any statistically significant results were not found. Conclusions: 1. The most common pain before sports were in the neck, shoulders, upper back, waist and legs. After 3 months of physical activity pain decreased significantly. The most painful feeling was reduced in the neck, shoulders and waist. However, the pain in the upper back and legs reduced slightly. 2. Most of the subjects have had a normal mental-emotional condition. Mild anxiety and depression after 3 months of physical activity have disappeared for half of the subjects. Moderate anxiety disappeared completely and depression have fallen to mild. 3. Any connections between skeletal muscle pain and mental-emotional condition were not found. en_US
dc.description.abstract Darbe siekiama išsiaiškinti fizinio aktyvumo poveikį skeleto raumenų skausmams ir psichoemocinei būklei, taip pat apskaičiuoti sąsajas tarp šių būklių. Teorinėje dalyje analizuojamos įvairios treniruočių metodikos: skirtingo intensyvumo ištvermės, jėgos pratimai, lėtos, neintensyvios treniruotės, tokios kaip pilates, nirvana fitness, tempimo pratimai. Taip pat fizioterapinių procedūrų įtaka jaučiamiems raumenų skausmams bei emocijoms. Taip pat analizuojamos sąsajos, ieškoma priežasčių – pasekmių ryšių tarp šių dviejų sutrikimų. Atlikę empirinį tyrimą nustatėme, jog fizinis aktyvumas yra veiksminga priemonė, mažinanti raumenų skausmus bei psichoemocinių sutrikimų simptomus. Remiantis atlikto tyrimo rezultatais griaučių raumenų skausmai ir psichoemociniai sutrikimai nėra susiję tarpusavyje. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Fizinis aktyvumas, pratimai, raumenų skausmas, depresija, nerimas, psichoemocinė būklė, aerobinis krūvis, jėgos treniruotės. en_US
dc.title Fizinio aktyvumo poveikis skeleto raumenų skausmui ir psichoemocinei būklei en_US
dc.title.alternative The Affect of Physical Activity for Skeletal Muscle Pain and Mental Emotional Condition en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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