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Pusiausvyros ir apatinės galūnės raumenų lavinimo poveikis, krepšinį žaidžiančių vaikinų, čiurnos traumų rizikai

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dc.contributor.author Kaciucevičius, Kasparas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-10T10:25:27Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-10T10:25:27Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-05
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1524
dc.description Key words: Balance training, lower limb muscle training, the Y balance test, Flamingo balance test. The aim: to investigate the effects of balance and lower limb muscles on the risk of basketball playing boys, ankle injuries. The tasks: 1. To evaluate the effect of balance training, 12-13 years and 16-17 years basketball playing boys on the risk of ankle injuries. 2. To evaluate the effect of lower limb muscles training, 12-13 years and 16-17 years basketball playing boys on the risk of ankle injuries. 3. To compare the effect of balance and lower limb muscles trainings, 12-13 years and 16-17 years basketball playing boys on the risk of ankle injuries. Research group: Two basketball teams participated in the research. In the 12-13 year-old age group, the research was conducted by 15 boys, two of whom left the research during the research. In the 16-17 year-old age group, the research was conducted by 13 guys, the three who had left the research. So, out of the 28 guys who started the research, 23 guys successfully completed it. The research was conducted at Kėdainiai Sports school. Methods: The balance of the boys who participated in the research was assessed by the Y balance test. By evaluating the 3 directions of this test and applying the combined data formula, the risk of ankle injuries can be predicted. A single leg HOP test was also used to assess whether the foot has sufficient strength and neuromuscular coordination (Sawle et al., 2017). The balance was also assessed by the Flamingo test. This test is to keep the balance on one leg on crossbar. (Gruodytė-Račienė ir kt. 2017). The research group were also subjected to balance and lower limb muscle training exercises. Conclusion: 1. After 8 weeks of exercise balance training, the risk of ankle injuries decreased on 12-13 years old and 16-17 years basketball players. 2. After 8 weeks apply lower limb muscle strength exercises, the risk of ankle injuries decreased on 12-13 years old and 16-17 years old, the risk of basketball players. 3. At the group of 12-13 years old boys, the basketball players' balance, lower limb muscle training and injury risk indicators did not change significantly after 8 weeks of exercise compared to 16-17 years old group. en_US
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe tiriamas pusiausvyros ir apatinės galūnės raumenų lavinimo poveikis, krepšinį žaidžiančių vaikinų, čiurnos traumų rizikai. Tyrimui atlikti pasitelkti šie testai – modifikuotos žvaigždės nuokrypio testas, flamingo testas ir šuolio viena koja testas. Taikytos pusiausvyros ir apatinės galūnės raumenų lavinimo programos. Testai atlikti prieš programų taikymą ir po jų. Testų rezultatai ir rezultatų pokyčiai pavaizduoti diagramose. Darbo apimtis – 54 psl., 34 pav., 1 lent., 50 literatūros šaltinių ir 1 priedas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Pusiausvyros lavinimas, apatinės galūnės raumenų lavinimas, Modifikuotos žvaigždės nuokrypio testas, Flamingo testas. en_US
dc.title Pusiausvyros ir apatinės galūnės raumenų lavinimo poveikis, krepšinį žaidžiančių vaikinų, čiurnos traumų rizikai en_US
dc.title.alternative The Impact of Lower Limb Muscle Building and Balance Training on the Risk of Ankle Injuries for Basketball Players en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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