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Profesinės veiklos praktikos vertinimas bendrosios praktikos slaugos studentų požiūriu

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dc.contributor.author Tamulytė, Samanta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-17T08:29:07Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-17T08:29:07Z
dc.date.issued 2019-04-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1498
dc.description Half of studies time General nursing practice studends has a professional practice which gives more practical knowledges. How much knowledges they will get depends not only on they own but also by the organization of the practice process. The main porpose of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate professional practice in terms of general nursing students. Tasks: 1) to describe the organization of the professional practice; 2) to reveal the attitude of students to the professional practice; 3) to compare the attitude of the students between 2nd and 3rd course general nursing students. Methods: bachelor thesis consists the 3 main parts. The first part consists analysis of the scientific literature whitch is related to general nursing students professional practice. The second part consists the research (anonymous questionnaire) and the third part (Excel analysis and the researcher‘s interpretation) of students opininion and attitude about the professional practice. And the last partconsists the results, conclusions and recommendations. Methodology: anonymous questionnaire survey was accomplished. Was used quantitative test method. The data received was transferred to Microsoft Office Excel (2015) and analyzed within the program. Answers to open questions were analyzed based on the non-statistical interpretation of the researcher. The results of the research showed that students could choose the place of the professional practice by themselves, were informed about the organization and a program. Students could ask and get information, but they did not get interested from the other side. The majority of students were satisfied with the practice of professional activity, but there were some shortcomings - unfriendly environment, lack of support of medical staff and patients, absence of teamwork, uneven distribution of work and had some reproaches like the lack of medical clothes. The practice coordinator provided information, created a flexible schedule and conditions for the implementation of the program objectives, solved problems, but only the half of the students were introduced to the mentor of the practice. Students were satisfied with their relations with their mentor who discussed the practical training plan and the skills assessment, provided the information, encouraged the development of knowledge, skills, independence and confidence, but the high number of students in the placement and uneven distribution of activities did not always allow them to implement the practice in the program.. The comparison of 2nd and 3rd courses students’ attitude showed that 2nd course students are more 11 satisfied professional practice place and get more attention from the practice tutor and coordinator, but less from the medical staff and mentor. Also they not Always were supported by medical staff, which did not allow them to feel valuable team members, although the practice coordinator made it possible to realize the objectives of the internship program, a flexible schedule of practice, but did not get enough information, encouragement, motivation, and confidence from the mentor. Conclusions. 1. In Lithuanian non-university educational institutions, half of nursing time is allocated to professional practice, therefore it is important to organize a practical training: a guide to practical training, responsible for placement, coordination and documentation; practice supervisor (teacher), responsible for preparing the practice program, student release and admission, and advice/ visits; Practice Coordinator responsible for providing comprehensive information and structure of practice in the work environment; practice mentor responsible for developing students' professional competence. 2. The attitudes of general practice nursing students have revealed that students were introduced to the organization and the program, were able to choose their place independently, could get information from the practice tutor, the practice coordinator and the mentor, they were given flexible work schedule and conditions. Practical program aims to achieve the goals, but most of the lacks – no interest in professional practice, uneven distribution of work, lack of medical clothing. 3. Comparing the attitudes of 2nd and 3rd year general practice nursing students to professional practice, it was revealed that 2nd year students received more attention and information from the practice tutor and practice coordinator, but less from the department's staff and practice mentor, they were less trusted and the tasks assigned to them were not always in the line of the practical training programs en_US
dc.description.abstract Literatūriškai aprašomas profesinės veiklos praktikos organizavimas, jame dalyvaujantys asmenys (vadovas praktiniam mokymui, praktikos vadovas (dėstytojas), praktikos koordinatorius ir mentorius) bei profesinę veiklos praktiką sąlygojantys veiksniai. Tyrimo metu vertinamas bendrosios praktikos slaugos studentų požiūris į profesinę veiklos praktiką, įžvelgiant praktikos silpnąsias ir stipriąsias puses. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Profesinė veiklos praktika; bendrosios praktikos slaugos studentai; studentų požiūris en_US
dc.title Profesinės veiklos praktikos vertinimas bendrosios praktikos slaugos studentų požiūriu en_US
dc.title.alternative Evaluation of Professional Practice from the Point of View of General Practice Nursing Students en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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