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Pacientų, sergančių geriatrine depresija, slaugos problemų vertinimas gyvybinių veiklų kontekste

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dc.contributor.author Ivanauskaitė, Aistė
dc.contributor.author Ivanauskaitė, Akvilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-17T08:01:39Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-17T08:01:39Z
dc.date.issued 2019-03-26
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1493
dc.description Relevance of the work. PSO has reported that less than 25% of people with geriatric depression usually receive the required treatment. The other part of fear of condemning the public, or not understanding the severity of the disease, chooses not to seek help and treatment (Kheriaty, 2017). People with geriatric depression grow with age. This may be due to loneliness, lack of conversation, self-exclusion, separation from the world, lack of family, misery. (Adomaitienė, 2010) (Kriščiūnas, 2008). Geriatric depression often remains undetected because the surrounding or the patients themselves do not understand that it is not a symptom of the disease but geriatric depression (Dembinskas, 2003). The aim. To find out the problems of nursing patients with geriatric depression in the context of basic needs. Research objectives: 1. Describe the factors that determine geriatric depression, the forms and symptoms of manifestation. 2. Exclude nursing problems in patients with geriatric depression. 3. To analyze the problems of patients with geriatric depression in the context of vital activities. Empirical research methodology. The analysis of scientific literature, qualitative research, anonymous semi-structured interviews and content analysis were selected for the research. The study was carried out in hospital X, departament X. The study included 12 elderly patients with geriatric depression (3 patients refusing to participate). Research results. The study showed that many of the elderly patients with geriatric depression who responded to the survey agreed that they had problems with many basic needs in their daily work. This was influenced by anxiety, fear, selfisolation, negative thoughts, lack of motivation, sad mood, missing interest in activities, tiredness, loneliness, lac of family or friends. Study conclusions. Empirical research has shown that patients with geriatric depression are confronted with various nursing problems in all vital activities. Patients most often face the following problems: lack of focus, fear, anxiety, lack of motivation, self-isolation, patients feel stress, fear, negative thoughts, awakening early in the morning, sleeplessness at night. There is also chest pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. Lack of appetite, nausea, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, frequent urination, urinary incontinence. The low movement causes a feeling of frost. Also, the illness is badly ill, lack of energy potential, these symptoms lead to unwillingness to communicate, to be in the group of people, feeling of loneliness, fear of death and thoughts of suicide en_US
dc.description.abstract Literatūriškai aprašomos senėjimo problemos, vidutinė gyvenimo trukmė, geriatrinės depresijos epidemiologija, simptomatika, slaugos aspektai. Teoriniu aspektu apibūdinamos gyvybinėse veiklose iškylančios slaugos problemos. Tyrimo metu vertinamos senyvo amžiaus pacientų, sergančių geriatrine depresija slaugos problemos, gyvybinių veiklų kontekste. Analizuojama su kokiais sunkumais susiduria senyvo amžiaus pacientai. Nustatomos pagrindinės slaugos problemos, su kuriomis susiduria senyvo amžiaus pacientai, sergantys geriatrine depresija. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Geriatrinė depresija, pacientas, bendrosios praktikos slaugytojai, slaugos problemos, gyvybinės veiklos. en_US
dc.title Pacientų, sergančių geriatrine depresija, slaugos problemų vertinimas gyvybinių veiklų kontekste en_US
dc.title.alternative Evaluation of Nursing Care Problems in the Context of Vital Activities of Patients with Geriatric Depression en_US
dc.type other en_US

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