Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti slaugytojų veiklą dirbant pažangaus gyvybės palaikymo brigadose (PGPB). Tikslui pasiekti iškelti uždaviniai, kuriais literatūriškai aprašyta greitoji medicinos pagalba ir PGPB samprata bei PGP slaugytojų kompetencijos. Taikytas – kiekybins tyrimo metodas, pasirinkta tikslinė imtis. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad PGPB slaugytojai visada įvertina saugumą (savo ir kitų komandos narių, aplinkos faktorius, papildomos pagalbos poreikį) ir sutrikimų/susižeidimų pobūdį. Daugiau kaip pusė slaugytojų visada ir savarankiškai atlieka kvėpavimo užtikrinimą, išskyrus asistuoja gydytojui naudojant kombinuotą vamzdelį ir laringinę kaukę. Visada vertina paciento būklę ir teikia savarankiškai būtinąją pagalbą. Tačiau rečiau savarankiškai atlieka defibriliaciją, skrandžio/pleuros dekompresiją bei endotrachėjinę intubaciją. Daugiau kaip pusė slaugytojų visada atlieka chirurgines procedūras, bet rečiau ir asistuojant gydytojui naudoja stuburo lentą ir taiko uždaro lūžio repoziciją.
Aim of work: Determine the nurse's work in an advanced life support ambulance team.
1. Define the concept of an ambulance for avanced life support teams.
2. Disclosure of competencies needed by a nurse working in an ambulance advanced team.
3. Identify nursing activities during advanced life support provision.
Problem of work: Complexity of nurses working in advanced life support teams.
The object of work. Nursing activities in an advanced life support ambulance team.
Methods and participants of work. Analysis of scientific literature, document analysis,
quantitative research, anonymous questionnaire survey, interviewing a nurse working in advanced
life support brigades.
Results and Conclusions: 1. ALS brigade – a structural unit of ambulance health care
professionals for actions to preserve the patient's life and health, using oxygen delivery, noninvasive
and invasive methods of airway opening, initial and specialized adult and child recovery
algorithms, defibrillation, ECG interpretation, prescribing , wound dressing, immobilization of
limbs and spine, patient preparation for transportation and transportation by monitoring vital signs.
2. Nurses who working in ALS brigades in the provision of ambulance services must be able to
assess the patient's vital characteristics (breathing, cardiac activity, consciousness), perform
resuscitation (open airways, chest clicks, defibrillation), interventions (blood substitutions,
endotracheal intubation, stomach/pleural decompression) and additional manipulations (attach a
triangular bandage, apply a closed-fracture repository, use esophageal detector, evaluate the need
for fluids and allocate them, relieve pain using narcotic and other analgesics). 3. The study found
that the activities of ALS nurses in the provision of ambulance services meet the standards and
requirements. Most ALS nurses always value safety (their own and other team members,
environmental factors, need for additional help) and the nature of the disorder/injury. More than
half of nurses always and independently perform respiratory support, except assisting a physician
with a combined tube and laryngeal mask. Always appreciates the patient's condition and provides
self-help. However, it rarely performs self-defibrillation, gastric/pleural decompression, and
endotracheal intubation. More than half of nurses always undergo surgical procedures, but rarely,
assisting a doctor uses a spine board and uses a closed-breaking reposition