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Slaugytojų veikla malšinant pooperacinį skausmą

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dc.contributor.author Kirkilaitė, Deimantė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-11T11:41:52Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-11T11:41:52Z
dc.date.issued 2019-04-08
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1420
dc.description Relevance: Because of the importance of maintaining effective postoperative pain management, it is useful to know the knowledge of nurses who play an important role in pain relief and whether they are applied in practice. Purpose of the paper: To evaluate nurse‘s role in postoperative pain management. The object of the paper: Nurse‘s role in postoperative pain management. Structure of the paper. Paper consists of literature analysis, survey, data analysis and conclusions. The results of the paper. Most of the nurses who participated in the study had been working as nurses for 15 years or more (68 pct.), more than half of the nurses surveyed had received college education (68 pct.). The majority of the patients surveyed were males (75 pct.) and quarter were women (25 pct.). Comparison of data collected from nurses and patients questionnaires show that nurses administer medicines, according to doctor's prescriptions, but lack information about their competence in the administration of medicines. When measuring pain intensity, nurses often take into account the individuality of the patient. They are aware of the benefits of non-drug pain relief, but use them rarely. When non-pharmaceutical measures are applied, only a few, but the most effective, techniques are used by nurses. Nurses provide pain management education for patients, for this, nurses tend to devote as much time as they needed, but education does not include topics such as pain scales and questionnaires, the possible effects of painkillers on the body, and non-pharmaceutical pain relief en_US
dc.description.abstract Dėl išliekančios efektyvaus pooperacinio skausmo valdymo svarbos, naudinga žinoti slaugytojų, atliekančių svarbų vaidmenį skausmo malšinime, žinias ir ar jos pritaikomos praktikoje. Darbe išsiaiškinti slaugytojų atliekamo pooperacinio skausmo valdymo principai ir jais naudojantis įvertintos slaugytojų žinios apie pooperacinio skausmo malšinimą. Gauti duomenys palyginti su pacientų patirtu pooperaciniu skausmo malšinimu en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Pooperacinis skausmas, slaugytojų veikla, skausmo malšinimas. en_US
dc.title Slaugytojų veikla malšinant pooperacinį skausmą en_US
dc.title.alternative Nurses' Role in the Postoperative Pain Management en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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