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Chirurgijos skyriuose dirbančio slaugos personalo juosmeninės stuburo dalies skausmai ir profilaktinės priemonės

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dc.contributor.author Komičiūtė, Gabija
dc.contributor.author Merkeliūnaitė, Dovilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-11T11:26:07Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-11T11:26:07Z
dc.date.issued 2019-04-08
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1416
dc.description The relevance of the topic. In the Lithuania, the biggest part of medical staff who has university degree is the nursing staff and they have the biggest incidence of getting lumbar spine pains. Physical exertion, poor ergonomical factors and their ensurance, decreases the endurance of working time and the nursing efficiency. If we want to improve the quality of work, we have to take preventive measures. We have to understand the importance of preventive programs if we want it to work in reality. The aim of research. To determine the pain of the lumbar spine of the nursing staff working in the surgical departments ir taikomas profilaktines priemones. The tasks of research: 1. Theoretically reveal the causes of lumbar pain, ergonomical risk factors and principles which determines the nursing personals work; 2. To evaluate the expression of lumbar pain in nursing persons who works ins surgical section; 3. To reveal what kind of prophylactic measures are used in nursing staff to avoid the lumbar pain; 4. To find out the physical activity of nursing staff, as precondition to decrease the lumbar pain. The methodology of research. For investigation was chosen scientific literature analysis, quantitive research and structured written survey. Ivestigation took place in 2018 November to December and 2019 January. 87 respondents participated in a survey. Results of the assessment: according to the survey lumbar spine pain feels everyone, the pain arises minimum one time per week. The pain is dwindling natures, mild and evaluated 4-5 points, from the scale 1 to 10. The survey results showed that in surgery department two people works when there is a need to change the patiens position and that there is not enought amount of functional beds. The main used measures to change the patiens position are stretcher with handles and slippery bed sheets. By the way, during the survey, we find out that less then half of the staff is physically active. In the conclusion we can say that the nursing staff who works in surgery department does not use physicall activity as the prophylactic measure for the lumbar spine pain en_US
dc.description.abstract Literatūriškai aprašomos juosmeninės stuburo dalies skausmų atsiradimo priežastys, ergonominiai rizikos veiksniai ir principai, sąlygojantys slaugos personalo darbą. Tyrimo metu vertinami chirurgijos skyriuose dirbančio slaugos personalo juosmeninės stuburo dalies skausmai ir jų raiška. Atskleidžiamos, kokias profilaktikos priemones, padedančias išvengti skausmo, taiko slaugos personalas profesinėje veikoje. Nustatomas slaugos personalo fizinės veikos aktyvumas, kaip prielaida mažinanti juosmeninės stuburo dalies skausmą en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Juosmeninė stuburo dalis. Profilakika. Chirurgijos skyrius. Slaugos personalas. en_US
dc.title Chirurgijos skyriuose dirbančio slaugos personalo juosmeninės stuburo dalies skausmai ir profilaktinės priemonės en_US
dc.title.alternative Lumbar Spine Pains and Their Prevention Measures for the Nursing Staff in Surgery Departments en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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