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Pacientų patiriami psichologinio pobūdžio išgyvenimai operacinėje

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dc.contributor.author Sruogaitė, Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-11T07:51:09Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-11T07:51:09Z
dc.date.issued 2019-04-08
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1408
dc.description Relevance of the study. Often, even a small surgical intervention becomes a cause of the patient's emotional stress. Anxiety that occurs during the preoperative period or lack of information can also lead to anxiety during the surgery. Only a few studies that review patients' emotional experience during the surgery have been conducted in Lithuania. The substance of this study is to reveal the patients’ psychological experiences during the surgery and to describe the factors that are important for their emergence. Aim of the study. to reveal the patients’ emotional and psychological experiences during the surgery. Objectives. to describe the factors that have a negative impact on the patient's emotional condition during the operative period and the preventive measures applied; to evaluate the patient’s positive and negative experiences at the operating theatre; to determine the measures applied at the operating theatre that help improve the patient's emotional condition; to evaluate the patient's experience of informative preparation as a precondition for reducing emotional suffering at the operating theatre. Research methods. Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature was analyzed for conducting this research. A qualitative study was conducted and semi-structured interviews followed by the content analysis were carried out in compliance with bioethical principles. The study covered 20 different age patients (from 22 to 79 years) several days after a surgery. No sedation was applied to any of the respondents. Findings of the study. The research revealed that the patients’ positive emotional condition depended on empathic communication and care, professionalism and promptness of the operating staff. The patients negatively reacted to unpleasant communication, cold environment in the operating theatre, and lack of information. The main measures helping the patients feel lesser negative experiences is their informative preparation before a surgery, pleasant communication with the surgical staff, warm environment of the operating theatre, music therapy used in the operating theatre, preservation of privacy and dignity. Informing and training have not been used effectively because the information furnished to the patients was not informative and contained medical terms en_US
dc.description.abstract Literatūriškai aprašomi pacientų psichologinės reakcijos operacijos metu, jos priežastys ir prevencinės priemonės. Tyrimo metu vertinami pacientų teigiami ir neigiami išgyvenimai operacinėje. Atskleidžiamos prevencijos priemonės siekiant išvengti neigiamų potyrių operacijos metu. Įvertinama paciento informacinio pasiruošimo patirtis kaip prielaidą, mažinanti paciento emocinius išgyvenimus operacinėje en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Psichologija, išgyvenimai, pacientai, operacinė. en_US
dc.title Pacientų patiriami psichologinio pobūdžio išgyvenimai operacinėje en_US
dc.title.alternative Patients' Psychological State of Mind in the Operating Theatre en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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