DSpace talpykla

Hemodializėmis gydomų pacientų fizinio pajėgumo pokyčiai

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dc.contributor.author Andrijauskaitė, Ineta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-08T07:11:05Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-08T07:11:05Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1401
dc.description Relevance of the work: It is indicated that in people, who are treated with hemodialysis, physical capacity is being reduced. Physical capacity is related to the functional possibilities of performing daily activities, household and physical work, leisure activities.Therefore, after evaluating the physical capacity of patients and the potential problems associated with it, nurses should help and offer solutions for maintaining physical capacity. Aim: To evaluate the changes of physical capacity among patients undergoing hemodialysis. Objectives: To theoretically analyze factors influencing the physical capacity of hemodialysis patients; To describe the ability of nurses to maintain patients‘ physical capacity; To evaluate the changes in physical capacity of patients before starting hemodialysis and during treatment; To identify nurses' activities in teaching patients about the possibilities to maintain physical capacity. Methodology of empirical research: To theoretically analyze and empirically substantiate the topic of the final thesis, the analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey and analysis of the research data were used. Results and conclusions of the thesis. Anemia, sleep disturbances, limb pain and unbalanced diet are all contributing to the reduction of physical capacity. Nurses can maintain the physical capacity of patients by providing knowledge about non-pharmacological ways of deadening pain, improving quality of sleep and dietary recommendations. The study showed that the patient's physical capacity was reduced. Prior to hemodialysis, patients were more able to take care of themselves, carry out mild to moderate intensity work, but the number of patients, who had recently been able to work, decreased and there were people who could not do any job. The majority of patients who had undergone hemodialysis quit their job. Most of the respondents changed their leisure activities. For most of the patients the nurse provided information about foods that increase the amount of iron in the body, are high in protein and low in potassium and salt, as well as provided knowledge about the amount of fluids consumption per day and ways to suppress thirst. For most of the respondents nurses did not provide information on non-pharmacological techniques that improve quality of sleep and reduce pain of the limbs. About half of the patients who suffer from sleep disorders and limb pains have not been provided with information on how to manage this aspect. en_US
dc.description.abstract Šio darbo tikslas yra įvertinti hemodializėmis gydomų pacientų fizinio pajėgumo pokyčius. Šiame darbe teoriškai išnagrinėjami veiksniai, darantys įtaką hemodializėmis gydomų pacientų fiziniam pajėgumui, aprašomos slaugytojų galimybes išlaikyti pacientų fizinį pajėgumą. Tyrimo metu atskleidžiami, pacientų gydomų hemodializėmis, fizinio pajėgumo pokyčiai prieš hemodializių gydymą ir jo eigoje, nustatoma slaugytojų veikla, mokant pacientus apie galimybes išlaikyti fizinį pajėgumą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Fizinis pajėgumas, hemodializė, pokyčiai, pacientas, slaugytoja, mokymas en_US
dc.title Hemodializėmis gydomų pacientų fizinio pajėgumo pokyčiai en_US
dc.title.alternative Changes in Physical Capacity of Haemodialysis Patients en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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