DSpace talpykla

Chirurginio profilio slaugytojų žinios apie krauju plintančias infekcijas ir jų valdymą

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dc.contributor.author Kaupaitė, Rūta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-05T11:39:02Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-05T11:39:02Z
dc.date.issued 2019-03-26
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1397
dc.description Relevance: Worldwide 2017 were living 36,9 million people with HIV and 257 million were carriers of hepatitis B (World Health Organization, 2018) Chronic hepatitis C has a population of 70 million people. (Papatheodoridis ect., 2018). Some people don't even know that they are infected with these blood-borne infections, so the incidence is higher than the statistics. Medical workers are at risk of being infected at work or be carrying blood-borne infections to other patients, so nursing knowledge and safe work are important for effective prevention and management of infections in medical institutions. The aim of the work – To determine the knowledge of surgical nurses about blood-borne infections and their management. Work tasks: 1. Describe the most common blood-borne infections based on scientific literature. 2. Reveal nurses knowledge of blood-borne infections. 3. To evaluate the actions of nurses in controlling blood-borne infections. Empirical research methodology. A quantative study was conducted using a questionnaire survey in writting. A convenient targeted screening was used to interview a nurse of the surgical profile, working in the surgery departments. The study was carried out in hospital X in 2018. November 15 - 15 December. Results and conclusions. 77 respondents participated in the study. Nurses have been found to have knowledge of blood-borne infections, but they still need more information about the pathways, symptoms and prophylaxis of infections. When evaluating the actions of nurses to control the spread of infections, it can be said that nurses focus too little on infection control. The results of the study showed that not all nurses use gloves of the right size, even one third are not vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, and undereastimate the risk of being exposed to infected patients. Most respondents agree that they need additional knowledge and continous staff training en_US
dc.description.abstract Literatūriškai aprašomos dažniausiai krauju plintančios infekcijos (hepatitas B, hepatitas C, ŽIV) ir jų simptomatika, diagnostika, plitimo būdai, profilaktika bei šių infekcijų valdymas skyriuje (teisės aktai, darbo organizavimas). Tyrimo metu atskleidžiamos slaugytojų žinios apie krauju plintančias infekcijas ir vertinami slaugytojų veiksmai valdant krauju plintančias infekcijas en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Hepatitas B, hepatitas C, ŽIV, slaugytojos, žinios, infekcijų valdymas en_US
dc.title Chirurginio profilio slaugytojų žinios apie krauju plintančias infekcijas ir jų valdymą en_US
dc.title.alternative Surgical Profile Nurses' Knowledge about Blood-borne Infections and Their Management en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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