DSpace talpykla

Akušerių ir gydytojų požiūris apie tarpvietės įkirpimą gimdymo metu

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Kezytė, Ieva
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-26T11:01:11Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-26T11:01:11Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1386
dc.description Relevance of the research. Perineum cutting is most commonly performed obstetrical intervention during labour. Preliminary statistics in Lithuania says, that during 50% of all childbirths episiotomy is performed. This means that every second childbirth perineum cut is carried out. Often this type of intervention is carried out in routinely and unintentionally, in order to speed up the second phase of labour. It is important to find out midwives and obstetricians viewpoint about episiotomies are the cause of its performance, what are the advantages of this procedure and what are the cons, and compare it with the perineal cut. Then the results will be compared to how different groups of respondents express their attitude to the episiotomy and perineal tear fleece. Purpose of the research. Compare midwives and obstetricians opinion about perineum cut during childbirth. Tasks: 1. Analysis of scientific data about the episiotomy, its advantages and disadvantages during delivery. 2. Find out midwives opinion about perineum cuts during delivery. 3. Find out obstetrics opinion about perineum cuts during delivery. 4. Comparison of midwives and obstetricians opinion about perineum cuts during delivery. Quantitative research. The quantitative study was carried out in hospital X at obstetric unit. The instrument of research was anonymous questionnaire-based survey of obstetricians and midwives, witch consists of 14 questions. The survey aims to find out what is the respondents attitude about the episiotomy, the benefits and the flaws of the intervention, and the received data compare between groups of respondents that replied- midwives and obstetricians. In the paper has been done the statistical analysis of the data. The survey was carried out in 2018 11 01-2018 11 30. During this period, received 62 fully completed questionnaire. The data is obtained using the statistical descriptive analysis of the data that was re trieved using and processing of data in SPSS, and Mac computer ‘Pages’ and ‘Numbers’ programs. Results and conclusion of the work. The analysis of the obtained data and integration have been getting results, what is the attitude of respondents to the questionnaires was. Midwives named that perineal tear is better scenario for women during labour. Doctors, on the other hand, thought that perineal cut is better solution for women during childbirth. However, in the opinion of the doctors and midwives not only different, but also coincided with some of the issues on the episiotomy. Key words: perineum cuts, episiotomy, perineal tear, obstetrician, midwife, opinion. en
dc.description.abstract Tarpvietės kirpimas, tai dažniausiai atliekama akušerinė intervencija. Lietuvoje preliminari atliekamų epziotomijų statistika - 50 proc. visų gimdymų. Tai reiškia, jog kas antro gimdymo metu yra atliekamas tarpvietės kirpimas. Dažnai ši intervencija yra atliekama rutiniškai ir neindikuotinai, norint pagreitinti antrąjį gimdymo laikotarpį. Svarbu išsiaiškinti akušerių ir gydytojų akušerių ginekologų požiūrį apie epiziotomiją, jos atlikimo priežastis, kokie yra šios procedūros privalumai ir kokie trūkumai, bei ją palyginti su tarpvietės plyšimu. Vėliau gauti rezultatai bus palyginti, kaip skirtingos respondentų grupės išreiškia savo požiūrį į tarpvietės kirpimą bei tarpvietės plyšimą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Tarpvietės kirpimas, epiziotomija, tarpvietės plyšimas, gydytojai akušeriai ginekologai, akušerės, požiūris. en_US
dc.title Akušerių ir gydytojų požiūris apie tarpvietės įkirpimą gimdymo metu en_US
dc.title.alternative Midwives and Obstetricians' Attitude to Incision of the Perineum during Childbirth en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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