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Būsimų socialinių darbuotojų nuostatos į socialinį darbą su priklausomais nuo psichoaktyvių medžiagų asmenimis

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dc.contributor.author Kaminskis, Elvinas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-19T10:44:37Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-19T10:44:37Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-14
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1267
dc.description The relevance of the work: the increasing abuse of various addictive substances is an acute problem in society, and therefore the role of social workers and other professionals assisting people in addiction in society is becoming increasingly important. a social worker should have a good understanding of the need for people who are suffering from addictive illness to exchange and be a full member of society. Therefore, it is essential to identify the attitudes of future social workers in social work with persons dependent on psychoactive substances. The aim: to identify the attitudes of future social workers in social work with persons dependent on psychoactive substances. The goals: 1. Reveal the peculiarities of persons dependent on psychoactive substances. 2. Define the concept of the attitude. 3. Describe the activities of a social worker in working with people who are dependent on psychoactive substances. 4. To identify the attitudes of future social workers in social work with persons dependent on psychoactive substances. The structure of the work: The final work consists of two main parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the work analyses the ideas of Lithuanian and foreign authors on the subject of dependence, social work and attitudes. In the practical part of the final work, a research is carried out, the purpose of which is to identify the attitudes of future social workers in social work with persons, dependent on psychoactive substances. According to the results of the questionnaire, an analysis of the obtained results is performed, graphs and tables are presented, and the author's insights are given. At the end of the final work, the general conclusions and recommendations of the whole work are presented. The research method: the quantitative research method. 30 undergraduates of the social work study programme studying both full and part time were interviewed using questionnaire. The research conclusion: the results of the research reveal that two thirds of respondents are ready to work in social work after completing social work studies. More than half of respondents indicated that they would not want to work in social work with persons dependent on psychoactive substances, only less than a tenth of the survey respondents would like to work on social work with clients dependent on psychoactive substances. The survey data revealed that respondents do not have a unified view of the causes of the dependence of the disease: one third of respondents think that this is a social environment, more than a quarter chose the psychological trauma in childhood, and almost one fifth of respondents think that they are genetic and biological reasons. The results revealed that almost one third of the respondents' attitudes to addiction disease were influenced by their personal communication experience with people with this illness, with just over a tenth of them pointing out the importance of scientific literature on the role of addiction disease in shaping their attitude. The results of the research showed that communication with people who are intoxicated with psychoactive substances most of all caused anger, almost a quarter of respondents chose this answer, and tolerate communication with people who are intoxicated with psychoactive substances and less than a tenth of respondents feel empathy for them. Almost half of the respondents who participated in the survey avoid communication with people who are intoxicated with psychoactive substances. The social worker's work with one third of addictive psychoactive substances seems to be difficult and meaningless as few people stop using psychoactive substances. Almost a quarter of respondents said that activities are dangerous for the social worker's physical and mental health. According to the opinion of more than a third of respondents, the lack of motivation to depend on psychoactive substances makes it harder to work with this group of clients, more than a quarter of the respondents pointed out the problem of denial and the attempt to prove that everything can be controlled. Respondents believe that the social worker, through social counseling, information and mediation services, has the most impact on the person with psychoactive substances. Respondents believe that a social worker should have good individual and group work skills when working with people who are dependent on psychoactive substances, according to almost half of respondents. Respondents highlighted the fact that twofifths of the respondents were involved in volunteering in the center of dependence or in rehabilitation communities during the study period, which is better prepared for persons with a psychoactive substance dependent activity, more than one third indicated that they were organizing meetings with social work practitioners in the field of addiction diseases. More than three fifths of respondents agreed that knowledge and skills acquired during social work studies allow for a greater acceptance and understanding of persons dependent on psychoactive substances, and more than one third answered that social work studies responded to a negative attitude towards this group of clients. None of the respondents chose the option that social work studies interested them in work with persons dependent on psychoactive substances. en
dc.description.abstract Augantis piktnaudžiavimas įvairiomis priklausomybę keliančiomis medžiagomis yra opi problema visuomenėje, todėl socialinių darbuotojų ir kitų specialistų, padedančių asmenims, turintiems priklausomybę, vaidmuo visuomenėje tampa vis svarbesnis. socialinio darbuotojas turėtų gerai suprasti priklausomybės ligas besigydančių asmenų poreikį keistis ir būti visaverčiais visuomenės nariais. Taigi, itin svarbu identifikuoti būsimų socialinių darbuotojų nuostatas į socialinį darbą su priklausomais nuo psichoaktyvių medžiagų asmenimis. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Psichoaktyvios medžiagos, reabilitacija, priklausomybė, socialinis darbas, stereotipas en_US
dc.title Būsimų socialinių darbuotojų nuostatos į socialinį darbą su priklausomais nuo psichoaktyvių medžiagų asmenimis en_US
dc.title.alternative Attitude of Future Social Workers towards the Work with People Dependent on Psychoactive Substances en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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