Teisė į gyvybę yra svarbiausia ir fundamentaliausia žmogaus teisė, nes be jos nebūtų įmanomas kitų žmogaus teisių bei laisvių įgyvendinimas. Teisė į gyvybę yra įtvirtinta universalios ir regioninių žmogaus teisių apsaugos dokumentuose. Siekiant užtikrinti žmogaus teisių į gyvybę įgyvendinimą probleminės situacijos praktikoje dažniausiai kyla aborto ir gyvybės atėmimo (eutanazijos) atvejais. Daugeliu atvejų skundų EŽTT priežastimi tampa pareigūnų smurtiniai veiksmai, kankinimai, pasibaigę vieno ar kelių žmonių mirtimi, taip pat pasitaiko bylų dėl eutanazijos, aborto, gydymo kokybės, netinkamo medicininės priežiūros, dėl kalinio neapsaugojimo nuo kitų kalinių smurto, seksualinės prievartos bei kitos priežastys, susijusios su asmens gyvybei kylančia grėsme.
The right to life. Problems of assurance and implementation. Daiva Žabarauskienė. Professional BA thesis. Supervisor N. Mikalauskienė, Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Law. 2018. –p. 49. In the final work were used 70 sources of the information.
The final bachelor's work provides analysis of laws and legal acts related to the legal regulation of a person's right to life, The aim of the work is to analyse the aspects of legal regulation of a person's right to life, revealing the problems of ensuring and implementing this right. Working methods - analysis and summarization of scientific literature, analysis of legal acts, descriptive, comparative legal method, analytical and historical methods. The structure of the work - in the final work, the concept of the human right to life and the development of the legal regulation of human rights to life, the legal regulation of human rights to life in national and international legal acts, the European Court of Human Rights and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania are analysed. This work also analyses the problems of ensuring and implementing human rights to life and discusses the possibilities of protecting these rights and the implementation of the protection of the human right to life in cases before the European Court of Human Rights. The main conclusions are that the right to life is the most important and fundamental human right, because without it, the exercise of other human rights and freedoms would not be possible. The right to life is enshrined in universal and regional human rights instruments. In order to ensure the implementation of human rights to life, situations of abnormality and deprivation of life (euthanasia) usually occur in practice situations. In most cases, European Court of Human Rights complaints are the result of violent acts by officials, torture, the death of one or more people, as well as cases of euthanasia, abortion, the quality of treatment, inappropriate medical care, the protection of prisoners from other prisoners of violence, sexual assault, and other causes related to with the threat of life to a person.