DSpace talpykla

Elastnių plokštelių gamybos naudojant skirtingų gamintojų termoplastines medžiagas, lyginamoji analizė

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dc.contributor.author Skridaila, Marius
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-07T08:05:16Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-07T08:05:16Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1087
dc.description Elastic (thermoplastic) prosthesis are among the cheapest dentures. Over the last decade, the use of thermoplastic resin in the field of dental care has increased significantly. Partial prostheses made of thermoplastic materials are biocompatible. Non-toxic, biologically inert, due to these properties these dentures adapt very quickly to the oral mucosa. They are solid, but flexible, dynamic. (Ardelian, Bortun, Podar, Rus, 2012). They are more aesthetic and most often patients like more then acrylic dentures. This affects the growing popularity of these dentures in society and among dentists. These prostheses are flexible and more difficult to damage than acrylic dentures. However, the cost of producing such dentures is higher, requiring special expensive protheses. Due to the increased demand for elastic dentures, more and more thermoplastic plastics manufacturers are in demand. One of the most popular removable dentures in Lithuania is thermoplastic plastic parts of Vertex Thermosens and Bredent Bre.flex 2nd. The advantages and disadvantages of these materials will help you find out which of the thermoplastic material gets a better final result. Problem of the paper - what are the advantages and disadvantages of thermoplastic plastics offered by different manufacturers? The topic of the paper is the advantages and disadvantages of thermoplastic plastics offered by various manufacturers. The aim of the paper is to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of thermoplastic plastics offered by different manufacturers. Job assignments: 1. To describe the main characteristics of elastic prosthesis, partial and functional peculiarities of removable prostheses. 2. Show the advantages and disadvantages of thermoplastic materials. 3. Make dentures from different plastics and compare the properties of the materials. Work methods: 1. Analysis of scientific literature and other sources of information; 2. Prosthetics, material analysis, analysis of results. Conclusions: 1. Elastic prostheses are biocompatible, the oral mucosa is easier to adapt to the prosthesis without inhibiting the allergen monomer, but the production is more complicated and the price is higher than the acrylic prosthesis, the prosthetic production takes longer and requires additional competencies, complicated and costly corrections due to defect. 2. Prosthetics of thermoplastic materials are less allergic than acrylic plastics, easier to adapt to the mucous membrane, no metal abnormal search hooks. However, such prosthetics are more expensive, production is more complicated, and in the event of a defect, its removal is expensive and complex. 3. The Bre.flex 2 prosthesis was pressed in a higher quality than Vertex Thermosens, which caused pores during pressure. Prosthetic and thermosetting materials make it easier to polish the plastic, melt harder than Bre.flex 2. Bre.flex 2. It's easier to polish it and shorter time to polish. In the final stage, the Bre.flex 2 prosthetic was better and produced in less time than the prosthesis derived from Vertex Thermosens. en
dc.description.abstract Skirtingų gamintojų gaminamų termoplastinių plastmasių privalumai ir trūkumai. Elastinių dantų protezų pagrindinės savybės, dalinių išimamųjų protezų funkciniai ir gamybos ypatumai. Termoplastiniai medžiagų privalumai ir trūkumai. Protezai iš skirtingų plastmasių ir medžiagų savybių palyginimas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Dantų, technologija, elastinės, termoplastinės, plokštelės, plokštelė, skirtingų, gaminotojai, plastmasė, monomeras, lyginamoji, analizė, išimamiėji, išimami, protezai. en_US
dc.title Elastnių plokštelių gamybos naudojant skirtingų gamintojų termoplastines medžiagas, lyginamoji analizė en_US
dc.title.alternative Comparative Analysis of Elastic Plates Manufactured by using Different Thermoplastic Materials en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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