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Išimamųjų dantų protezų termoplastinės medžiagos (POLYAN IC) ir akrilinės plastmasės lyginamoji analizė

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dc.contributor.author Puklevičius, Eligijus
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-06T08:00:29Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-06T08:00:29Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1072
dc.description Eligijus Puklevičius (dental technology study program) completed the final work of the COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE EXPLOSION DENTAL PROTEIN TERMOPLASTIC MATERIAL (POLYAN IC) AND ACRYLIC PLASTICS. The job manager is teaching. Inga Vasilavičiūtė. Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Oral Health, Kaunas: 2018. Removable dentures are an option where prosthetics are impossible or fixed dentures because the patient can not perform dental implantation or bone enlargement surgery. Removable dentures are often chosen for economic reasons. They are also used to spread the teeth when implanted later. Removable complete plate dentures are the most popular dentures among the people of pension age. Naturality is more and more appreciated by people. Therefore the removable plate dentures are produced taking into account not only the patient’s needs but aesthetic peculiarities as well. Individual placement of false teeth without regard to common requirements is good in the cases when certain peculiarities of the patient’s mouth must be respected, e.g. when one jaw is toothless and the other one has all the teeth that may be slanted, turned around their axes, restored with dark fillings and dental hard tissues have liners etc. Therefore, by a patient’s request, false teeth are designed taking into account the individual characteristics of still existing teeth. Dentures are designed so that there would not be any significant differences between the teeth still existing in the mouth and false teeth on dentures. Sometimes a patient requests dental technician to place the teeth according to his former face photo wishing the same or similar teeth. Object of the study - the production of complete removable dentures using thermoplastic (Polyan IC) and acrylic materials. Objective of the work – scrutizine the technology for removing dental prostheses thermoplastic (Polyan IC) and acrylic plastics. Tasks of the work: 1. To look at the selection and placing of artificial teeth in the complete removable dentures. 2. Explore the technology of removable dentures using different materials. Methods of the work: 1. Analysis of scientific literature and other information resources. 2. Analysis of practical case. en
dc.description.abstract Pilnų išimamųjų dantų protezų gamyba naudojant termoplastinę (PolyanIC) ir akrilinę medžiagas. Dantų parinkimas ir statymas į pilnus išimamus dantų protezus. Išimamų dantų protezų gamybos technologijas naudojant skirtingas medžiagas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Išimami dantų protezai, termoplastinai dantų protezai en_US
dc.title Išimamųjų dantų protezų termoplastinės medžiagos (POLYAN IC) ir akrilinės plastmasės lyginamoji analizė en_US
dc.title.alternative Comparative Analysis of the Explosion Dental Pprotein Termoplastic Material (POLYAN IC) and Acrylic Plastics en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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