Kiekvieno žmogaus teisė – gauti tikslią, patikimą, visiems prieinamą informaciją. Ne išimtis ir informacija apie sveikatą bei jos problemų šalinimui ar gerinimui naudojamus vaistus. Reklama yra didžiulė farmacinių kompanijų veiklos dalis, kurios tikslas ne tik teikti informaciją pacientui, bet ir skatinti vartojimą. Darbe atskleidžiama, kiek reklama turi įtakos renkantis vaistines prekes ar nereceptinius vaistinius preparatus.
The significance of this research. In today’s world, commercials inform audiences about new products or services and how to purchase them, about various discounts and promotions as well as benefits of certain products or services. The information that everybody has the right to receive has to be accurate, reliable, and accessible. Information about health and medications that are supposed to eliminate health problems or to bring health benefits is not an exception. Such information is of crucial importance to customers aimed at disease prevention or a healthier lifestyle. Commercials constitute a big part of pharmaceutical companies’ activities and aim not only to inform patients but also to promote the use of medicinal products.
The aim of this thesis: To reveal the opinion of residents about commercials as the tool to increase the sales of medicinal products and over-the-counter drugs in 2015 and 2018.
Research methods.
1. Analysis of scientific literature, statistical data, and regulations in order to reveal the opinion of residents about over-the-counter drug commercials as the tool to increase sales.
2. Empirical study (anonymous paper-based questionnaire and online questionnaire). The questionnaire was composed of three parts: introduction, demographic data, and diagnostic.
Subjects. In 2015, 100 residents from Tauragė city over 18 years old participated in the survey; In 2018, 100 residents from Širvintos participated in the study. Part of questionnaires was paper-based while another part was filled-in online. In total, 200 residents participated in the study.
Results. As the most reliable source of information, the residents indicated recommendations of doctors and pharmacists (2015 – 81%, 2018 – 67,6%). It has been noted that in 2015, a surprising number, 55% of respondents indicated commercials and online sources as reliable sources of information. Respondents indicated that the most effective factor promoting purchase is product’s price (2015 – 69%, 2018 – 44%), extra products (2015 - 20%) and recommendations from family/friends (2018 – 24,1%). In 2015, 56% of residents claimed that they tend to purchase goods on sale or promotions even if they do not need that item at that moment. They purchase the item for future use. The remaining 44% of respondents purchase items only as needed.
Conclusions. In general, the pharmacy visiting habits have not changed. However, the opinion about the commercials has changed. It has been observed that earlier every fourth resident trusted the commercials of medicinal products or information found online whereas in the second survey the respondents indicated physician’s and pharmacist's recommendations as the most reliable source of information. Discounts and promotions have always had an influential effect on people and this has been supported by the results of both surveys. The respondents claim that discounts and promotions influence people to make a spontaneous purchase. It is pleasing to know that people are becoming more and more conscious, that they have the strength to resist the temptation of discounts and promotions and they purchase medication only as needed. However, the analysis of other data has revealed that commercials do have an influence on consumer choice nonetheless, even if consumers do not admit that.